October 7, 2023
Raffles represent the history of Singapore since the time when Raffles arrived at this land two hundred years ago. Its location is just at the center of the country,many landmarks and symbols are all around it, which makes your journey convenient. Once you lived in it, you can just immerse yourself in the colonial times, which really is a special experience.莱佛士代表了自莱佛士登陆这片土地以来的新加坡的历史见证,它的地理位置就好像整个国家的中心,很多景点和代表建筑都在它的周边,地理位置非常方便,当你住进去的时候,你会有一种穿越时光的特别感受,好像回到了那个殖民的时代,更是一种沉浸式的体验。服务非常好,一尘不染的房间,配有butler管家,有任何需要随时一键拨通,早上坐在阳台走廊的椅子上,管家小姐姐又专门送了水果和茶,太贴心了!唯一一点闹心的就是入住时visa卡短信显示刷了两笔押金,但是酒店这边显示只刷了一笔,不知道是怎么回事,和银行沟通说是确实是两笔入账,但酒店这边的账单显示确实也只有一笔,但银行这边确实是两笔押金扣除,沟通了好几次也基本无果,现在就等18天以后看是否会退回。。。