Temperature in Bordeaux

17 Jun, 2024
Mostly cloudy
17 ~ 29℃
17 Jun, 2024
Mostly cloudy
17℃ / 29℃
18 Jun, 2024
16℃ / 28℃
19 Jun, 2024
Partly clear with showers
16℃ / 26℃
20 Jun, 2024
14℃ / 23℃
21 Jun, 2024
Intermittent clouds
14℃ / 24℃
22 Jun, 2024
Partly clear
15℃ / 24℃
Bordeaux Weather - Best Times to Visit Bordeaux
17 Jun, 2024 BordeauxWeather:Mostly cloudy.Northeasterly wind:0–10 km/hour.Humidity:85%.Sunrise/Sunset:06:16/21:51
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Bordeaux is a beautiful city located in the southwestern part of France. Known for its world-famous vineyards, stunning architecture, and rich history, it is a popular destination for tourists. The city offers a wide range of attractions, including museums, art galleries, and cultural events. The weather in Bordeaux is generally mild and pleasant, with warm summers and cool winters. The average temperature during the summer months is around 25°C (77°F), while in winter, it drops to around 10°C (50°F).

Weather in Bordeaux

Bordeaux has a mild oceanic climate with warm summers and cool winters. The best time to visit is from June to September when temperatures range from 20°C to 30°C. July and August are the warmest months with occasional heatwaves. Spring and autumn are also good times to visit with temperatures between 10°C and 20°C. Winter temperatures average around 6°C to 10°C with occasional frost and snowfall in January and February.

Clothing Recommendations

  • Comfortable Walking Shoes: As Bordeaux is a beautiful city with many pedestrian-only zones, it's recommended to wear comfortable walking shoes to explore the city.
  • Appropriate Clothing: Bordeaux is known for its mild climate, but it's always a good idea to check the weather forecast before packing. Lightweight and breathable fabrics are recommended during summer, while warmer clothes such as jackets and scarves should be packed during winter.
  • Sun Protection: During summer, it's important to protect yourself from the sun. Wearing a hat and sunglasses and using sunscreen with an appropriate SPF are highly recommended.
  • Umbrella or Raincoat: Bordeaux is known for its rainy weather, so it's always wise to carry an umbrella or a raincoat with you.
  • Dress Code: Bordeaux is a stylish city, so it's recommended to dress appropriately for restaurants and nightclubs. Smart-casual attire is often the norm.

Overall, packing comfortable and weather-appropriate clothing is key to enjoying all that Bordeaux has to offer.

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