Temperature in Moscow

10 Jun, 2024
18 ~ 23℃
10 Jun, 2024
18℃ / 23℃
11 Jun, 2024
Cloudy with thunder and rain
15℃ / 24℃
12 Jun, 2024
16℃ / 25℃
13 Jun, 2024
Intermittent clouds
14℃ / 20℃
14 Jun, 2024
Partly clear
15℃ / 25℃
15 Jun, 2024
16℃ / 24℃
Moscow Weather - Best Times to Visit Moscow
10 Jun, 2024 MoscowWeather:Clear.Northerly wind:0–10 km/hour.Humidity:76%.Sunrise/Sunset:03:46/21:13
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Moscow: A City of Rich History and Culture

Moscow, the capital city of Russia, boasts of beautiful historical architecture, delicious cuisine, and a thriving arts scene. The city is famous for its iconic landmarks, such as the Red Square, St. Basil's Cathedral, and the Kremlin. As for the weather, Moscow has a humid continental climate with distinct seasons. Winters are long and harsh, with temperatures dropping to as low as -20°C, while summers can be hot and humid, with temperatures averaging around 20-25°C. Visiting Moscow is truly a unique and unforgettable experience for any traveler.

Weather in Moscow

If you plan on visiting Moscow, it's important to know that the temperature and weather can vary greatly depending on the season. During the winter months (December - February), temperatures can drop to well below freezing with heavy snowfall. Spring (March - May) brings milder temperatures with occasional rain showers. Summer (June - August) is the warmest time of year with temperatures averaging around 20-25°C and occasional thunderstorms. Autumn (September - November) is mild with cooler temperatures and occasional rain. It's always a good idea to pack accordingly and check the weather forecast before your trip.

Clothing Recommendations

  • Visiting Moscow in the winter months can be extremely cold and snowy. It is recommended that tourists bring heavy winter clothing such as warm coats, scarves, hats and gloves.
  • In the summer months, Moscow can be quite hot and humid. Light, breathable clothing is recommended such as cotton t-shirts, shorts and sandals.
  • Regardless of the season, it is always a good idea to bring comfortable walking shoes as there are many iconic landmarks and attractions in Moscow that require a lot of walking.
  • If you are planning to visit religious sites, it is important to dress modestly. This means covering your shoulders and knees and avoiding clothing that is too revealing.
  • Finally, it is always a good idea to bring a waterproof jacket or umbrella as Moscow is known to have sudden rain showers throughout the year.

By following these recommendations, tourists can ensure that they are comfortable and prepared for any weather conditions they may encounter during their visit to Moscow.

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