Latest Reviews for Saitama Prefecture Hotels

EeGee Stay Omiya
4.5/585 Reviews
Having never stayed at a dorm-style capsule hotel before, I was amazed at how quiet and clean it was. The small capsule/pod had a mattress, a TV, toiletries, and even pajamas! Even though the “door” was really just a curtain, I was not disturbed by too much noise from people walking through the corridors. But then again, this was Japan, and people (even foreigners) are extremely polite, and aware of other’s personal spaces. The locker-style bathroom was huge, with about 20-30 vanity stations each with a sink, space for all your toiletries, plus a hairdryer, and all the amenities you would have in a normal hotel room. The shower and toilet stalls were sparky-clean, even though this was a common area shared by all ladies. The men’s dorm was on the second floor, with their own locker/toilet areas, so the ladies’ area was completely private and safe. The treehouse theme was also a unique twist, which was reflected in the decor, and the layout of the capsule rooms. This is a great option for travellers on a low budget. Completely safe, clean, and relatively comfortable.
Toyoko Inn Saitama Misato Ekimae
4/59 Reviews
This hotel is located at Misato station in Saitama, From Misato station, take the north gate walk to the family mart and turn right (Google map will take you to another way farther) Hotel is functional as toyoko inn standard. There is. Fridge, hair dryer, and tv in the room (wifi password is showing in tv screen. Wifi is high speed and quite stable signal. There is enough space for 1 suitcase but you can put the big suitcase under the bed. In the bathroom, they provide shampoo, conditioner and body soap; as well as body towel. Shower cap/ razor and pajama is provided at the hotel front.
Candeo Hotels Omiya
4.5/5157 Reviews
2 First time use. The purpose is to refresh with sky spa and breakfast buffet. Last time, I was worried about the manners of many guests in the spa ‥. However, I thought I might not stay again at this stay. Overall cleaning is sweet. I think that's what it is because there are many voices that the word of mouth of the reservation site is not cleaned. It is the only four-star hotel in Saitama. It will not be cheap because the price is also cheap. The quality of the small up-sized sofa in the room, such as the spa and restaurant on the upper floor, is the same, but it is only that. It is also a pity that there is no air cleaner in this class. The building is under construction next to the view of Mt. Fuji on the west side, so it will be no longer possible. The room I stayed in was a prominent place where hair fell or there was a scale that could be taken if it was rubbed normally on the water. I was not going to say anything, but I thought it was a little terrible. I noticed that the hotel side did not have any deterrence by attention and patrol. It is wild. laughter. It is an impression that there are many small children in the period, and it is not only because it is go to or the region?
hotel heritage
3.4/59 Reviews
群馬の磯部温泉が本命だったのですが、希望の和洋室(都合により和室不可)は空きが無く、範囲を広げて伊香保温泉、軽井沢、長瀞などあちこち探しましたが、コロナが落ち着いてる現在では皆さん活発でほぼ全滅でした。途方に暮れながらグーグル マップを見ていたら、予約サイトでは出て来なかった、四季の湯温泉ホテルヘリテイジひょこっと出て来ました。予算内に収まる和洋室に空室があり、しかも温泉なんて願ったり叶ったりです。高層のホテルと別棟、スポーツ施設やハーフながらゴルフコースがあったりしてバブル期の残り香的なものが不安を感じさせます。住所は熊谷市ですが外れの丘陵に立地してます。 まずは土地柄、温泉の内容はさして期待してませんでしたが、意外といいお湯でした。ホテルから少し離れた追設っぽい日帰り温泉施設を利用する形になり、屋根はあれども吹きっさらし中の移動なので夜は寒かったですね。しかしフロント付近で防寒用コートも実は貸し出してて抜かりはありませんでした。源泉は20℃台と低いので加温に始まり加水、循環、塩素投入の4連コンボなんでしょうけど塩化物泉のしょっぱさはしっかりました。この日は子供の団体含め利用者は多かったのですが、塩素臭はほぼ感じず温泉らしさを実感出来ました。コロナ禍で温泉入浴も控えてた中で、2年振りの温泉がこちらで良かったです。現状水着着用の混浴や露天風呂一部は休止になってました。ホテル最上階には温泉ではありませんが展望浴場があります。エレベータで上がるだけなので楽ちんです。朝風呂で利用しましたが眺めも良く筑波山がくっきり見えました。ただホテルの規模からすると、どちらもカランや湯船が小振りな印象で、混雑時は2つ合わせても心許ない気がしました。今回は幸いに食事前の利用で数人しかおらず快適でしたけどね。また日付によってはどちらか片方しか入浴出来ないのでタイミング良かったです。 部屋については清潔でまあ普通の和洋室でした。ベッドはシモンズだそうで、和室組はムアツ布団でした。PETの飲料水が置いてあり、ネット環境もWifiも完備です。12階建てのホテルなので高層だと眺めも良いです。風呂と同じ向きだったので筑波山が見えましたが、こちらはバルコニーがあり外に出られるので寒いですが窓越しでは無く直接見れます。この時期はイルミネーションもあって、バルコニーから見下ろす機会ははなかなか無いのでなんか得した気分でした。 食事は通常ならば館内の中華や創作和食レストランを利用するそうですが、この日はは予約が好調だったらしく、追加で設定されたGWや年末年始など繁忙期で出現するバイキングの夕食でした。バイキングは余りいい印象無いのですが(おまけにこのご時世だし)、予約時には既に満員でプランから外れてたので選択の余地はありませんでした。マスク着用は当然ですが、料理を取り分ける際にはめるビニールの手袋が入口に用意されてました。しかしそのメニューはなかなか侮れず、目玉と謳ってたローストビーフは美味しく何度も御代わりするほどでしたね。定番ですがお寿司もネタはマグロ赤味、ブリ、エビの3つしかありませんがネタは大きく旨い。天ぷら含めてその場で作るので出来立てでどれも美味しかったです。お蕎麦や複数のパスタ、子供用おかずも別途用意されていたりで工夫されてます。ちなみに朝食は一律バイキングです。その為夕食では3か所に分かれていたお客が、朝は1か所の朝食会場にまとまりますので時間帯によっては混雑してました。目玉はありませんが色々選べて補充もどんどんされるのでショボい印象無いです。家族連れ、グループ、カップル、お一人様あらゆる客層が居ましたが、運動系の団体客は別棟を利用してるようで混在はして無かったようです。 印象的だったので従業員の方は皆はきはきしてて対応は気持ち良かったです。この規模の宿でコロナ禍でも潰れずに良くやってこれたなと思いましたが、このホスピタリティのお陰なのかなと。スポーツ関係でも一定の評価あるみたいだしそっちかな? 最後に欠点はやはりホテルと温泉との間の上り下りありの移動。館内はバリアフリーでも温泉に車椅子は難しいですね、半露天な通路なので日帰り客は最初から外着なので支障無いですが、寒い時期の宿泊客がお気楽に館内着で行くと帰り湯冷めしますよ。また日帰り利用では全日の料金は高めで、安くなる夕方料金でもまだ高い気がします。温泉が良いだけ勿体ない気がしますが、リゾートを標榜してるホテルなのである意味妥当性のある料金設定なのかもしれません。
Hana Hotel Hanazono Inter
4.4/525 Reviews
Cheap even with non-smoking, large communal bath and full service with breakfast. It costs less than 10,000 yen for two double people. Moreover, you can get a free ticket for the affiliated hot spring facilities (when applying for the original HP). It's a deadline, but it's about two months, so it's enough. You can also use facilities that exceed 1,000 yen such as Hanayu no Mori for free. Personally, I think Hanayu Spa Resort is good. The sauna is also very nice. Although it is in a remote place, there are plenty of restaurants and supermarkets in the area. I like to drive and buy and spend time in my room. Of course, while enjoying the hot springs at night, in the morning and in the hot springs. It is often quite full, probably because it is conveniently located for sightseeing in the direction of Chichibu Nagashima and shopping in the direction of Fukaya. I'm asking you that there will be a No. 2 store in Hanazono nearby, but I would like to ask you. Speaking of greed, please expand more in the direction of Chichibu. I don't think Chichibu is catching up with the demand for accommodation (route-in is too bullish 😅). ◾️ Good points Cheap Beautiful Amenity abundant (self-made) Free drinks (coffee), free chocolate Breakfast is also rich The western room has a good view such as the mountains of Chichibu Chichibu, Naga , Good access to Fukaya area ◾️ Bad points Too popular? Difficult to make a reservation No bacon Far from the station
Coco Stay Nishikawaguchi Ekimae
4.3/553 Reviews
The sound insulation is terrible. To be honest, the environment and hygiene are not bad. The sound insulation is so poor that you can clearly hear the neighbor clearing his throat, as well as the sounds in the corridor. People with poor sleep quality must not choose... Then, every floor is mixed with men and women, but the washing area is the same. Personally, I feel a little embarrassed... If you don't mind, please feel free... Check out at 10 am. If you are late for an hour, it is 1,000 yen. It feels a bit early.
Kawagoe Tobu Hotel
4.7/595 Reviews
The day of the stay was a rainy day, but from the pedestrian deck extending from the station to the commercial building with the hotel without getting wet From the second floor with convenience stores and restaurants to the seventh floor with a private elevator with the front desk In Ront, you can check the temperature, disinfect your fingers and check in, and take your card key to the elevator. What surprised me not to enter the room was that the toilet and bath were independent. I checked later, only double is a unit bus, but as far as I can see the picture, the bathroom, including double, seems to be sufficiently large. In addition, the bedroom was not a business hotel in a good sense, and it was a chic room with indirect lighting on the axis, and it was a construction that did not feel the cheapness of the advanced hotel. The TV is not suitable for the size of the room (laughs) and it is a type that can watch YouTube. In recent business hotels, the outlet and USB port, which are essential equipment, are not under the table and TV, and are equipped with one place on the left and right sides of the bed. charging the smartphone at the pillow without the meeting You can. If you mention the improvement point, I noticed that the microwave oven was on each floor and next to the vending machine corner when I left the room (although there is a microwave oven, it is conscientious but laughing) It's been a long time. I was able to occupy a fully equipped two-person room at a price of less than 10000 yen, and I felt that the cospa was very high. (because there is no single room, the single guest like me is originally outside the target, but laughter) Not only facilities but also hospitality, there are several hotel men at the front desk. I never had to wait. The hotel industry is suffering without exception in the corona domain, but I feel that it was good to be able to stay at the timing that I can easily make a reservation from one person at a reasonable price.
Hatago Coedoya
4.3/515 Reviews
We had a 4 story accommodation on the site of the playhouse that was previously here. There are dormitory types and private room types, toilets and showers are shared styles. It is still new so it is very clean and comfortable. The first floor is the front desk and the food court, the second floor is the room, the fourth floor is a shared kitchen and rest space, and you can see the old streets from the veranda. This time, I stayed in a private room type at 2 meal plan 7500 yen because I can stay cheaply for the prefecture. Dinner was worth 2000 yen from four shops in the food court on the first floor, and breakfast was worth 980 yen for Japanese food in the same place, and both were delicious. The shared kitchen facilities on the 4th floor are substantial, so it seems to be good to buy food at nearby department stores and supermarkets and cook and eat on the 4th floor.
Natural Hot Spring with Sauna Hotel Glan Y's Koshigaya
4.4/524 Reviews
Decent hotel for travelling back to Tokyo. No hotel parking. The parking lot next door was full so we parked one block south of the hotel without problem. The hotel room light has a remote control which can change color temperature. We didn't have time for onsen. room very basic.
Toyoko Inn Nishi-Kawaguchi-Eki
4.5/575 Reviews
The hotel is near the station and There are many restaurants and convenience stores nearby. It is bery convenient here to stay if you are traveling around Saitama Tokyo area. Very accessible. The buffet breakfast is good too. I would stay here again.

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Hotel Information for Tourists

Number of Hotels143
Number of Reviews2,938
Average Price (Weekdays)€ 104
Average Price (Weekends)€ 119