Panlong Temple
Panlong Temple
Panlong Temple
Panlong Temple
Panlong Temple

Photos of Panlong Temple

Panlong Temple is one of the most incense temples in Kunming. It is located on Panlong Mountain on the east bank of Dianchi Lake, about 40 kilometers away from downtown Kunming and 3 kilometers southeast of Jincheng Town in Jinning County. It is jointly known as Kunming Xishan and Binchuan Jizu Mountain. The three major Buddhist places in Yunnan were announced as Kunming cultural relics protection units in 1983. Panlong Temple Temple is built on the mountain. There are one, two and three-day gates in the mountain gate. There are more than 20 courtyards, including Yingxian Bridge, Sleeping Buddha Hall, Luzu Hall, Zushi Hall, Daxiong Hall, Jade Emperor Pavilion, Jialan Hall and Medicine Master Hall. The gods of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, among which Panlong Patriarch Hall, Pharmacist Hall and Guanyin Hall are very rich in incense. There are lush trees around the temple, among which camellias and pine and cypresses are very famous. It turned out that there was Wansong Temple, and a tall Guanhai Building had been built, and when you climbed it, you could enjoy the scenery of Dianchi Lake in the distance. Panlong Temple is hidden on the quiet Panlong Mountain. To climb this Buddhist paradise, you must go out of the "four gates". First out of the east gate of Jincheng, there is the archway of "Southern Yunnan Spiritual Realm", which is the gate of "entry". After passing through the ruins of Xiangshan Academy, you will enter the Panlong Mountain Gate, which is the gate of the "mountain". Then pass Yingshan Lake, circle up, and pass through three gates of heaven, which are the gates of "Heaven"; then pass through the Sleeping Buddha Hall and Lvzu Pavilion, and you can see the Panlong Temple Gate, which is the "Buddha" gate. , is the "Tao" gate, or the "Sacred" gate. Panlong Temple has camellias in the Yuan Dynasty, cinnabar magnolias in the Ming Dynasty, red plums in the Ming Dynasty, and silver osmanthus in the Qing Dynasty. There is a "Camellia Hall" in Panlong Temple. Although it is a small courtyard, there are two camellia trees in the courtyard. According to legend, they were planted by monk Lianfeng. It has a history of 600 years. One of them belongs to the "lion head" with nine hearts and eighteen petals. The flowers are bigger than the mouth of the bowl, and the colors are very bright. Ancient Camellia in the Golden Temple. Another "soft branch pine nut scale", the tree is more than zhang tall, and the root is thick with measurements. Every year on the first day of the eighth lunar month, there is the Panlong Temple Meeting. On the day of the temple fair, thousands of pilgrims and tourists come here to worship the Buddha and rush to the temple fair, grinding their shoulders one after another. Most of them are from Kunming, Chenggong, Kunyang and Yuxi. The scene of temple fairs is so lively that no other temple fair in Kunming can be compared.

Reviews on Panlong Temple

盘龙寺是昆明香火最旺的寺院之一,它位于滇池东岸盘龙山,距离昆明市区约40公里,距离晋宁县晋城镇东南3公里,与昆明西山、宾川鸡足山共同被称为云南三大佛教圣地,1983年公布为昆明市重点文物保护单位。 来昆明快10年了,看了介绍才知道盘龙寺如此出名,并且在昆明及其周边流传甚广的是“求姻缘”最灵,作为一个88年出生的中年“妇女”抱着宁可信其有不可信其无的态度,开始了盘龙寺一日游。 门票:8+2(后面我会做介绍) 交通:中班车 游玩时间:半天(离昆明车程为1个小时,下午可以到周边的湿地公园走走,大自然的氧气吧) 早上9点从呈贡出发,乘车地点在电信大楼前有停着标有晋宁盘龙寺的中巴车,如果从昆明城走,可以坐车到菊花村公交车终点站有直达车车票在15-20。如果从呈贡去,那么就说到晋宁车票12,如果你说你到盘龙寺要收你20,到晋宁下车后可以问一下周边的三轮车,票价5。我们从呈贡出发由于事先没有了解,上车说是去盘龙寺被坑了20。 11点多到,从呈贡去由于走的是乡村公路差不多车程在1个小时多点。到了晋宁下车换成小面包车,坐了10分钟左右到门口。注意小面包车大多都是跟路边的卖香的人是一伙的,会停车让你买香,听听就好了不要乱买,因为寺庙门口还有卖香的超市,我们被拉着说了好久。如果你很懂那就按自己的想法买。如果不懂也不用买很多,一般的摊子上都会有主要殿的顺序红黄纸,买一叠3块,在买两把一黄一红都香,求姻缘的话还要买一把红线(在租师爷殿前面有两颗姻缘树,特色之一哦,当然树边有一个专门为大家栓红线的人,不过是要给钱的,据我了解一个人要给20块)。 烧香时就按照纸上那十个殿走就好,黄纸烧黄香,红纸烧红香,除了财神爷的要8根香之外,其他地方没有特殊说法。到了大雄宝殿会有摇签,解签一般随心给点香火钱,但是我去的时候是一个人10块,不知道是不是人品的问题。一路拜上去后,最后会有老财神殿、清观殿和药师爷在山头上,这里要进去是要买门票的2块(这就是门票为什么是8+2)。 拜完这些你手上还会剩一张纸跟一些香,你可以带回去,但是香至少6只,不想带回去也可以找个殿烧了就可以了,当时我们是烧给了玉皇大帝。 然后下山到门口有小三轮车,到车站5块,然后到车站后就可以上标有昆明菊花村的车回城,也可以坐公交车到大码头去看看湿地公园很漂亮。

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