Fine Art Museum of Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Painting
Fine Art Museum of Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Painting
Fine Art Museum of Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Painting

Photos of Fine Art Museum of Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Painting

As a subsidiary of the China National Academy of Painting, the museum has an exhibition area of about 1,900 square meters and an exhibition line of 400 meters. There are five exhibition halls and a VIP hall. The humidity and the mute function of the wall are in line with the international art museum standards. The facilities in the museum are scientific. There are galleries and book bars in the outer corridor. Fundamentally, the construction of the art museum has been improved with humanized services, and it is an important display window for the outside world. . The National Academy of Painting Art Museum of China will play a certain role in promoting the development of Chinese painting art through the policy of "rejuvenating the museum with talents, strengthening the museum with academics, and establishing the museum with services". Since the establishment of the museum, it has held a number of exhibitions of traditional Chinese paintings with a certain artistic level, representing different levels and genres, such as "Chinese Painting Research Institute Collection Exhibition", "Contemporary Chinese Painting Group Exhibition", "He Haixia Painting Exhibition", "Ye Qianyu's Creation Retrospective Exhibition" Wait. At the same time, in order to enhance foreign exchanges and absorb the creative experience of foreign and Hong Kong and Taiwan painters, the "Malaysian Painter Zhong Zhengchuan Ink Painting Exhibition" and "Hong Kong Painter Jao Tsung-I Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition" have been held successively, which have produced a good social impact. While striving to do a good job of academic exhibitions, the exhibition hall continues to hold some mass art exhibitions, which has done a lot of work to enrich the amateur cultural life of the masses and improve the appreciation level of the audience.

Reviews on Fine Art Museum of Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Painting

说实话,从个人兴趣来讲,喜欢古迹明显多于喜欢画展,所以今天来这里的主要目的并非看展,而是观塔,不过反倒是用了95%的时间把画展细细地欣赏了一遍。 国家画院在西三环花园桥和紫竹桥之间,辅路边上,交通比较方便。来之前还专门在公众号上预约了的,但是到了现场人家说登记就行,不用上网约,进了展厅才明白,似乎确实不需要预约,因为来参观的人是真的少,至少我在参观的前一个小时里完全是包场的待遇,展厅每个区域都有工作人员巡视,七八个工作人员盯着我一个人,多少有些尴尬了。今天来了看的是一个叫“走向复兴”的展,看介绍是献礼二十大的主题,有美术作品、书法作品、雕塑、篆刻等等形式,看介绍都是近年来的新作。这个展共有三个展厅,先是从三环辅路旁边的美术馆正门进,这边是个两层楼的展馆,展馆室内布局及风格十分典雅,这个展厅的展品都是画作和雕塑,以大幅和中幅为主;这边参观完之后从正门右手边的小道进去,到国家画院的大楼,那边还有两个展厅,分别是一楼的画展和二楼的书法展。今天把每一幅作品都细细地观赏了一遍,用了两个小时的时间,作品题材以奋斗、发展、新生活、新气象为主,虽然本人对美术、书法等艺术形式来说实属外行,但通过这些作品也能清晰地感受到作者要表达的那种正能量的精神,两个小时看下来仍然觉得意犹未尽。 看完画展赶紧去看白塔,白塔在后院,围了起来不能靠太近,也没有相关的介绍,网上查了查也没找到相关的记载,反而是有一些“讹传”,比如说是建文帝的衣钵塔等等。这地方以前是白塔庵,这塔的来历现在确实不清楚了,是一座北京比较常见的覆钵式塔,跟永安寺、妙应寺、大觉寺等地方的白塔比较相像,当然规模要小得多。现在这塔外面已经不白,只能说是“砖塔”,想来历史也是很久远了,希望能妥善保护吧。

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