
Mandalay Review

4.4 /5108 Reviews
【攻略】缅甸旅游攻略之①——曼德勒这里有青山和绿水、古迹和城市、寺庙和佛塔。而且,她还没有被游客攻陷,还没有学会挤眉弄眼,刻意讨人欢心。她的古老和她的现代一样让人惊艳。 这个国家,就是——缅甸。 在一个国家旅行,往往最让人难忘的就是当地人。虽然生活不富裕,但缅甸人依然保持着淳朴乐观的个性。贫穷,也许会腐蚀人的尊严;但,缅甸人会告诉你,贫穷,也能过日子,也能过开心的日子,也能过有理想和信念的日子。 昂山素季说,“过去永远都在,不会走开。”不管缅甸的未来如何,不管缅甸如何改变,我在缅甸度过的十日是如此开心平和快乐,这是一个不会改变的事实。 行遍东南亚,缅甸是我的最爱。 第一站:曼德勒 我眼中的曼德勒虽然曼德勒不是让人一见钟情的城市,道路崎岖尘土飞扬。虽然屡遭战乱,但曼德勒依然凤凰涅槃,浴火重生。伊洛瓦底江上千帆竞发,在佛塔金光闪闪的背景映衬之下,马达轰鸣不绝于耳,让人感觉到这个城市的年轻与活力。这里是缅甸的宗教和文化中心,全市遍布寺庙、佛塔和禅院,僧尼数量众多。传统与现代,在这里完美地和谐相融。 交通·到达和离开曼德勒国际机场位于市区外32公里处,有东航、国航的航班停靠。曼德勒与仰光、茵莱湖等地也有国内航班连接,航班价格几乎都是100美金左右,飞行时间不到一个小时。 曼德勒有长途汽车、火车与缅甸国内其他地点相连,也有伊洛瓦底江上乘船前往敏贡、蒲甘等地。 必打卡景点:1. 曼德勒山   黄昏时登上海拔230米的曼德勒山,徒步大约45分钟(也可以坐缆车)就可以在山顶看到曼德勒的全景。当地人传说,当年佛陀也曾经到达这里,预言说一个伟大的城市即将诞生在山脚下,这就是今天的曼德勒。所以,曼德勒山对于当地人来说,无异于圣山。在曼德勒山上还可以看到曼德勒皇宫的全景。 2. 曼德勒皇宫  位于曼德勒古城正中央的,就是缅甸最后的皇宫。老皇宫在战乱时稍微,只剩下了城墙、城门和护城河。现在看到的皇宫是后来重建的,虽然做工相对粗糙,但还是能一窥当年皇族生活的点点滴滴。 3. 乌本桥   乌本桥是全世界最长的柚木长桥,全长1200米。黄昏中的乌本桥特别上镜,不仅有美丽的光影,也有缅甸人生活的日常。


Posted: Nov 9, 2019
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  • gz当地向导伊妹儿
    Original Text

    Mandalay has a good view, unique architectural style and unique charm. The tourism industry in Mandalay has gradually matured. The original ecological natural scenery feels very good and it is worth recommending to everyone.

    Posted: Dec 17, 2019
  • gz当地向导伊妹儿
    Original Text

    A good choice in Mandalay Myanmar, the scenery is original, the tower is also very distinctive, it feels good, interesting, a good place for taking pictures, cost-effective, it is recommended to travel with the group.

    Posted: Dec 10, 2019
  • Blair在游走
    Original Text

    Mandalay is Myanmar's second largest city, located inland in the south-central region, where several ancient dynasties once built capitals, and a city where overseas Chinese gather in large numbers. It is listed as a United Nations World Heritage Site and has many monuments to see.

    Posted: Nov 11, 2019
  • 5/5Outstanding
    Original Text

    Yesterday, the weather was not so good. The plan to go to Pugan was automatically delayed by one day. In fact, Naypyidaw was the capital of Mandalay, just like Pugan, and Mandalay was the capital of Mandalay. Mandalay is Myanmar's second largest city and the largest number of Chinese people in Myanmar. It has many historic sites and is the first stop of the Jade Trade in Myanmar. Historically, it has been the political center of Myanmar for a long time. The famous ancient city of Inva is situated here, so the Chinese people kindly call it "Wacheng".

    Posted: Dec 10, 2015
  • knoess Richelle

    The people of Mandalay are very friendly. The food is delicious. There are many beautifil sights to vist and it is easy to use the Grab app to get a cheap ride on a tuktuk.

    Posted: Oct 6, 2019
  • 欲飞的鸟
    Original Text

    [Mandalay] Located on the banks of the Irrawaddy River in central Myanmar, it is named after the Mandalay Mountain. It is the provincial capital of Mandalay Province. It is the second largest city in Myanmar. It has airport links with domestic and international transportation and is also a gathering place for many overseas Chinese. Mandalay is also the capital of Myanmar's last dynasty, the cavities, leaving many monuments such as the palace; Mandalay is also a famous ancient capital, meaning "City of Treasures" in Bali; under the infiltration of Myanmar's Buddhist culture, there are countless pagodas and monasteries in Mandalay. You can see the grand scene of the thousand monks to eat together; there are also net red punching places in the suburbs - Uben Bridge, and the golden pagoda built with jade in the world...

    Posted: Jul 28, 2019
  • tlkan
    Original Text

    Mandalay's most interesting place to visit must be the four ancient cities, including Mingong, Inva, Amarapra and Shicheng! In terms of urban attractions, Mandalay Mountain and Gudu Taofota are the first! But other small attractions, such as Sri Ganesh Temple in the attached picture, can also be visited. Its appearance really opens my eyes!:)

    Posted: Jan 4, 2018
  • 环球旅行家~木子
    Original Text

    Known as the country of the thousand Buddhas, Mandalay is the capital of Mandalay Province, the famous old capital, and the second largest city in Myanmar. It is one of the political, economic and cultural centers of Myanmar. The Mahaganyan Monastery is located at the head of Uben Bridge and is the largest monastery in Myanmar. The scene of the thousand monks' meal is spectacular.

    Posted: Apr 11, 2019
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