Luoyang Ruins of Sui and Tang Dynasty,  Mingtang  and Tiantang Scenic Area
Luoyang Ruins of Sui and Tang Dynasty,  Mingtang  and Tiantang Scenic Area
Luoyang Ruins of Sui and Tang Dynasty,  Mingtang  and Tiantang Scenic Area
Luoyang Ruins of Sui and Tang Dynasty,  Mingtang  and Tiantang Scenic Area
Luoyang Ruins of Sui and Tang Dynasty,  Mingtang  and Tiantang Scenic Area
Luoyang Ruins of Sui and Tang Dynasty,  Mingtang  and Tiantang Scenic Area
Luoyang Ruins of Sui and Tang Dynasty,  Mingtang  and Tiantang Scenic Area

Photos of Luoyang Ruins of Sui and Tang Dynasty, Mingtang and Tiantang Scenic Area

The Sui Tang Luoyang City National Heritage Park is the core palace area of the Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties and Song dynasties. The more famous attractions here include the Heavenly Hall and the Hall of Enlightenment that dates from the Wu Zetian period of the Tang Dynasty. The Mingtang scenic spot is located on the central axis of the Luoyang city in the Sui and Tang dynasties. It was the palace's main hall, where Tang Gaozong and Wu Zetian dominated the state administration. The original version of the heavenly floater in Tsui Hark's 2013 film "Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame" can be found here.

Reviews on Luoyang Ruins of Sui and Tang Dynasty, Mingtang and Tiantang Scenic Area

20240415下午:1、隋唐洛阳城遗址是洛阳市区内的人文遗迹,是隋、唐、五代的皇宫区域,由天堂明堂、应天门、九洲池3个相邻的子景区组成,单独售票。天堂明堂是武周时期(690-750年)的皇宫核心区,分别是女皇武则天的佛堂和朝堂,眼下建筑是现代在原址上复建,气势宏伟、夜景绝美,彰显盛唐气魄。景区分明堂、天堂、太极殿遗址、唐风广场4部分,是观景赏花、人文学习、古装写真、演艺欣赏、夜景拍摄的好去处,历史上留有唐代诸多帝王、李白等名人足迹,目前是洛阳旅游必打卡的景点。①地址:河南省洛阳市老城区中州东路与定鼎北路路口②交通:公交直达,开车很好停③旺季:无④用时:3小时 ⑤票价:88元(明堂天堂、应天门、九洲池3景区通票140元)2、明堂始建于武周垂拱三年(687年),由武则天命其首任男宠、梁国公薛怀义率2万人拆除隋代的洛阳皇宫正殿乾阳殿后就地兴建,作为武则天进行祭祀、宴会的朝堂,是当时东都洛阳、西都长安的所有宫殿中最复杂、规模最大的宫殿,原建筑高86.43米,但在武周证圣元年(695年)失宠的薛怀义焚毁天堂时被引燃,重建后在唐开元二十五年(737年)被唐玄宗改造为八角楼“乾元殿”;唐宝应元年(762年)唐代宗求援回纥人平定洛阳叛乱,城破后此楼被焚毁。明堂遗址1986年被发现、2009年重建,外形形似北京天坛(4A),高台上的圆形建筑外观三层、内部两层,建筑面积9888.92㎡。通过主石阶直接上到二层,具体有:正殿“万象神宫”,殿内是武则天的王座,金碧辉煌、吞天吐地,屋顶露天,但上王座拍照需付费;一层是物武周明堂文化展,由7个展厅组成,是主要参观区,具体有:①中心柱遗址:位于一层中央,直径9.8米,只能在周围站台上向下俯视观望②沿革厅(明堂源):系统性概况了武则天、武氏、洛阳、明堂的沿革,正中是明堂的木制模型③大享厅:以蜡像和布景的形式介绍了武周时期的大事,其中“明堂受朝”沙盘等壮观形象④政德厅:展示盛唐时文治武功,12根凤凰立柱、骑兵彩塑、嵩山封禅彩塑沙盘等很美观⑤文化厅:展示唐代的文化,其中街景沙盘等、升仙太子碑复制品、唐代美女蜡像、武则天造字等很美观⑥将作厅:正中是隋唐洛阳城的木制模型沙盘,背后的大屏幕上每隔2分钟会播放时长5分钟的视频⑦规划厅……字数超限,在最后一张图片里继续

Attractions Near Luoyang Ruins of Sui and Tang Dynasty, Mingtang and Tiantang Scenic Area

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Restaurants Near Luoyang Ruins of Sui and Tang Dynasty, Mingtang and Tiantang Scenic Area

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Hot Pot
三月一十三 古风糖水铺
三月一十三 古风糖水铺
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Hotels Near Luoyang Ruins of Sui and Tang Dynasty, Mingtang and Tiantang Scenic Area