The Manchunman Buddhist Temple
The Manchunman Buddhist Temple
The Manchunman Buddhist Temple

Photos of The Manchunman Buddhist Temple

Manchunman Buddhist Temple is located in the Dai Nationality Park in Menghan Town, Jinghong City, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture. It was built in AD 583 and has a history of more than 1,400 years. It is one of the famous local Buddhist temples. It is said that it was built after Buddhism was introduced to Xishuangbanna. the first Buddhist temple. But the original Buddhist temple was destroyed in the 1960s, and the Buddhist temple that people see now was built in the late 1970s. Manchun is full of Dai language, which means garden village. Legend has it that Jinghong Xuanwei once sent people to plant flowers here, and later developed into a village, hence the name Manchunman - Garden Village. The Dai Nationality Garden is composed of five Dai villages, namely Manjiang, Manchunman, Mancha, Manting, and Manga. With Manchunman Buddhist Temple as the core, it fully demonstrates the mystery and strangeness of Theravada Buddhism, which has been transmitted to the south for thousands of years. Manchunman Buddhist Temple is well-known in Southeast Asia. During major Buddhist events every year, monks and believers from Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Xishuangbanna and other places gather at Manchunman Buddhist Temple to hold pilgrimage and chanting activities. Therefore, the incense here is exuberant, and the Buddhist temples, pagodas, misty incense and the chanting of little monks here add to the tranquility and mystery. The main hall standing in the center is the main body of the building complex, covering an area of 490 square meters. The main hall is 23.5 meters long and 21 meters wide, in a rectangular shape. At the end of the roof, there are auspicious birds lying down, and there are several pottery ornaments in the middle. The indoor Buddhist hall is tall and wide, and 44 circular cement columns with diameters of 0.4 meters and 0.6 meters are arranged on both sides of the hall. The column height is 12 meters, and the short column is also four or five meters. All columns are made of red as the base color.

Reviews on The Manchunman Buddhist Temple

20211209下午:1、“勐罕春满大佛寺”位于4A景区“傣族园”。景区不通公交只能驱车前往,可在携程APP上买包含直通车票和门票的一日游产品,只买车票的话可在当地官方旅游公众号“版纳好行”上购买。2、傣族园是轻度商业开发的傣族部落,非主街道的傣族民居几乎是原汁原味。进门后我在南边的民居间小路中穿插向里走,以便近距离观摩傣族风俗。傣族屋子一楼不住人,当作客厅或是车库(家家都有车),因为热带地区蚊虫野兽较多聚集在低洼地带。卧室在二楼,上去要脱鞋,据说只有入赘后卧室才让外人看。每家都有院子用来种菜或养鸡鸭,各家都具特色,有的以多肉植物做成围栏,有的在自家杨桃树上挂着二维码,扫码后自助摘杨桃吃,没人看着。3、景区内很多寺庙 ,是村民自己建的,各有其风格和特色,规模最大最奢华的是景区中央的“勐罕春满大佛寺”,始建于583年,据说是佛教传入西双版纳后的第一家佛寺,堪比上午曼听公园里的总寺庙,富丽堂皇庄严无比,三只白象驮着的四面佛造型优雅精美。进主殿要脱鞋,寺内藏有两千多年历史的贝叶经(书写在最大的棕榈树树种之一的贝叶棕叶子上的经文),附近的民居小店里有介绍其制作过程。该寺院是村庄里人文景观颜值最高处,其余小佛寺有“勐罕曼将大佛寺”、“曼乍佛寺”(旁边的寨子叫“曼乍寨”)、“曼听佛寺”(在“曼听村”旁、景区最东边,门口有塔顶着树、树包着塔的“塔包树”。寺庙普通,但寺后院有僧人住的悬空木屋,还堆放着一艘龙舟,更原始更真实)。4、寺旁是个观光车站,景区不大都是平路,观光车坐不坐均可。这里已是景区中心,很多民宿饭店、民族服饰摊、水果摊(新鲜椰子特别便宜,5元1个,现场开壳,下午快收摊时可以讲价到5元2个)等等。

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