Dead Sea
Dead Sea
Dead Sea
Dead Sea
Dead Sea

Photos of Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is located between Israel, Jordan and Palestine. It is 86 kilometers long from north to south and 5 to 16 kilometers wide from east to west. From a distance, the Dead Sea looks like a twin-tailed fish, either hidden or exposed, cruising at the foot of the mountains. The Dead Sea has no ebb and flow, no waves. Under the sunlight, the sea surface shines like an ancient bronze mirror. The Dead Sea lake and the lake shore are rich in salt. In such water, fish and other aquatic organisms are difficult to survive. There are only green algae and no other organisms in the water, and there are no flowers and plants growing on the shore and surrounding areas, so people call it the "Dead Sea". ". Also because the salt content in the sea is too high, causing several times the buoyancy of the ocean, people jumping into the Dead Sea will not sink, but can experience the feeling of drifting that cannot be felt in other waters. The Dead Sea is the lowest point on the world's land surface and is known as the "navel of the world". As the lowest point on earth, the Dead Sea attracts countless tourists from all over the world to experience its wonder with its unique charm. On the southwest coast of the Dead Sea under the jurisdiction of Israel, various beaches and bathing places are dotted, and tourists can easily bathe in the Dead Sea. There are also small private clubs on the beaches along the Dead Sea, offering a variety of challenging activities, such as jeep and bicycle crossing the desert challenge, camel crossing the desert challenge and abseiling.