Best Restaurants in June in Chengdu (Updated 2024)

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13 Reviews
SGD35Szechuan Cuisine
卖牛奶的猪The Chinese restaurant of Chengdu Marriott Hotel seems to like to make snacks and all-you-can-eat, including Ritz-Carlton, St. Regis, W, Lido Sheraton, JW Marriott are all doing snack buffets, except for the Lido Sheraton Sichuan snack buffet, several others are doing Cantonese dim sum buffets. The Ritz-Carlton, W, and Sheraton Lido only take lunchtime snack buffets, St. Regis and JW lunch and evening markets do. Recommended index ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🖼 Restaurant environment: There are not many seats in the restaurant lobby, but the lobby can see the situation inside the Chinese kitchen. Although it can only be seen very clearly, at least in the Chinese restaurant of Marriott hotels, it is really rare to make the diners know how the dishes on the table are made. come. 💰 Per capita consumption: the retail price is 358/person, the evaluation is 188/person, including chrysanthemum tea, the price is more affordable than Chengdu St. Regis. Menu 79 dishes, 8 of which are exclusive to JW Marriott (one per person). 🍲 Dishes recommendation: [JW Marriott Exclusive] Chuanjiao Fragrant Fried Grassland Lamb Chop Deep Sea Tiger Shrimp (Jinsha Sauce Sauce) Cherry Foie Liver Sichuan Jiao Fragrant Fried Grassland Lamb Chop, really delicious, tender outside! Deep Sea Tiger Shrimp (Jinsha Sauce Sauce), put on a general plate! Cherry foie gras, quite cute! [Guangdong soup] Winter melon, Huren old duck soup, I have also drunk in the lounge, as an example soup! [Appetizer pre-course] Fresh pepper to bone chicken feet, black chicken feet. Yucheng Bangbang chicken is not much different from mouth chicken. Osmanthus yam, it doesn't taste like yam, like pudding. [Sichuan and Guangdong time] Fragrant mango juice crisp shrimp ball, tastes quite good. Huangtianba Xiaolong powder steamed beef, personally do not like to eat powder steamed meat. [Cantonese roasted flavor] Honey juice charcoal fork roast, thin, thin fork roast is actually quite delicious. Deep well roast duck emperor, roast duck skin is crispy, the taste is different from St. Regis. [JW Marriott Select] JW Marriott shrimp dumpling emperor, shrimp dumpling skin is too easy to break. The taste of the dumpling emperor, the taste of the dumpling is OK, there is a taste of the dumpling. Panda quicksand bag, can be cute and love you. Spicy money belly, the taste is general, not as unique as St. Regis, normal Cantonese cuisine. Famous sauce steamed chicken feet, right often. Black pepper denim bone, right often. Fish seeds fresh roasted, right often. plum steamed ribs, right often, prefer to eat taro steamed. The filling of the lotus fragrant glutinous rice chicken, glutinous rice chicken is generally stuffed. Thai curry fish eggs, the taste of the fish eggs is actually quite center, very elastic. [Snacks] XO sauce fried radish cake, XO sauce seems to have not been eaten, very hot, cool and delicious. Qiao Handed durian dumplings, look at the selling point. [Intestine powder] Xiangxi fork roasted rice noodles, there are quite a lot of fork roasted rice noodles. [Sweetheart] Taifei Yangzhi Mannose, like a simple version. Red lotus ginger juice sleigh, still like to drink snow ear. The steaming point is on together, and there is no problem with taking a few photos. All snacks are pressed, this way of ordering will not be wasted, if one person eats it is also suitable! The weight of each dish will be higher than that of St. Regis, but if you order any food, the small weight is suitable for single people!