

4.6 /569 Reviews


Posted: Feb 12, 2018
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  • 广州中奖小锦鲤
    Original Text

    Things like teppanyaki look okay at any time, but if you eat it, I feel that the ingredients here are really bad. The environment here is still not very good, and I feel that there are many conditions and scenery.

    Posted: Apr 19, 2021
  • 老挝彭于晏
    Original Text

    Although the above is actually OK, but in fact, many things, the service above, especially a flaw, the service quality here is really low, completely reflecting the price here.

    Posted: Apr 19, 2021
  • 老挝彭于晏
    Original Text

    The variety above, although they are all relatively ordinary varieties, it seems that many things are not particularly fresh, but the most important thing here is that the rice is more prominent, so it is quite good to eat, compared to some other types, here is already much better.

    Posted: Jan 22, 2021
  • caiweihuang
    Original Text

    No matter how big the world is, it is probably in the Japanese. Come to taste the countless rice chrysanthemum Japanese cuisine INAGIKU, the environment is very quiet and bright, on the fifth floor of Guangzhou W Hotel, the chef Nakamura Rongzhi is a very talented Japanese who speaks Chinese very well. The Kaiseki package is especially recommended. The exquisite and unique five-piece seasonal platter. Adjusted according to different seasons, the ingredients are made at the freshest moment, sesame tofu unique. The delicious taste of five sashimi, the sperm of salmon you have tasted, plus the sour juice, is really wonderful, large chunks of thick tuna, fresh shrimp, French oysters, people can not resist the temptation. The classic of rice chrysanthemum, the first time to taste the sea urchin made of tempura, with seaweed wrapped in fried, retain the water and nutrition of the sea urchin, prawn tempura will not make you feel very greasy, small salmon tempura is also unusual. The roasted salmon can be seen from the Japanese chef's foundation, Tokyo-style salmon from the back, first slightly fried, then steamed, and finally roasted, outside the burnt inside tender, this moment just want to match a bowl of Japanese rice. Hokkaido flavored seafood soup, the different varieties of seafood blended with Western-style soup, plus flavor, wow, the best in the world. Steamed assorted seafood absorbs Italian cuisine, the seafood practice is different, and the Japanese sake is very refreshing. Creative sushi platter, thin roasted and beef roasted rolls, fried sushi tempura, foie gras avocado rolls. Three different styles, three levels of life end up homemade chestnut cheese, plus Japanese sweet melon, it is perfect. Mr. Nakamura also added his own unique insights on Japanese food, integrating the alcohol culture of W Hotel, and achieving the ultimate in one thing, which is the art of food.

    Posted: Nov 2, 2017
  • 火火的路四喜


    Posted: Nov 2, 2017
  • InvisibleCat

    周末跟盆友来到W酒店的贵船铁板烧,这边新推出了周未午餐任点任食,真的太爽了!足足2️⃣小时的用餐时间,种类也超丰富,有多种海鲜刺身、铁板烧、卷物、烤物、扬物、煮物...🌿宽敞舒服的空间,时尚轻奢的装潢,还有不同的铁板烧区和私密性的包间,蛮适合商务或者三五好友的小聚。窗外还可以看到珠城的美景。海鲜刺身每台都会先上一份拼盘(不用想,上),三文鱼、笛鲷、金枪鱼、甜虾、海胆。三文鱼、金枪鱼油脂丰富、厚实带劲,鲜!当然如果一盘不够的话,可以继续再加!柔煮清酒鲍鱼大大只的鲍鱼,酒香如醉,鲍鱼爽弹的口感,作为前菜真的太适合了!铁板烧原只的生蚝🦪、云丹小青龙🦞、黑松露香煎四头鲍鱼、珍宝大虾、鱼子酱鹅肝,还有各种安格斯牛肉、西冷,都真的任吃。铁板烧的美女师傅在板前一道道的制作,闻着美食的香气,看着制作的火焰🔥,真的是一种享受。‼️单杯葡萄酒、啤酒、清酒还有buy1️⃣get2️⃣,刚好和盆友一起小酌。广州W酒店·贵船·日料·刺身·铁板·烧鸟📍位置:冼村路26号广州W酒店5楼 #吃一顿海鲜大餐 #自助餐攻略 #景观餐厅

    Posted: Aug 30, 2023
  • 月半小汉斯

    朋友升职,周末约在W的贵船铁板烧庆祝一番。✨ 餐厅环境是金属木质元素的暗调奢华质感,相当fancy。🏙️ 有板前有包间,包间的私密性和舒适度高,落地窗外就珠城CBD的高楼林立,景致大气,商务宴请非常适合。🔥 周末午餐板前铁板烧半自助,120分钟内任点任食,前菜/沙拉/刺身&手握/铁板烧/卷物/烤物/扬物/蒸煮物/主食/甜品应有尽有,味蕾的多重惊喜,性价比真的很可以。🍱 限定的刺身拼盘,甜虾,海胆和笛鲷鲜度拔群,而三文鱼和金枪鱼都是厚切,大满足!🌈值得N刷的菜品:柔煮清酒鲍鱼,云丹小青龙,珍宝大虾,山椒佐雪花牛舌,鱼子酱鹅肝。其他按照口味点就可以,0⃣️踩雷。🥂 有佳肴自然少不了美酒,啤酒,清酒和杯装葡萄酒,买一得二,好事成双!🎋 整体的体验远超预期,菜品下单后是一道道呈上,半自助还吃出了Omakase的仪式感!会有下次!🏠 广州W酒店·贵船铁板烧KIBUNE TEPPANYAKI📍 广州市天河区冼村路26号广州W酒店L5 #吃一顿海鲜大餐 #自助餐攻略 #景观餐厅

    Posted: Aug 22, 2023
  • 恐龙911

    🆙级美食享受,W酒店的贵船铁板烧是一家主打日式铁板烧的餐厅。客人可以与大厨互动,周末午餐任点任食,欣赏来自世界各地的美食佳肴,在大厨👨‍🍳的妙手烹调下,呈现在面前😄✅特色刺身拼盘:海胆、金枪鱼、三文鱼、笛鲷、甜虾新鲜海货,鲜到眉毛跳😋✅柔煮清酒鲍鱼🍶清新鲜美,作为开场,挑动我的味蕾✅云丹小青龙🦞芝士炙烤小青龙,龙虾肉结实弹牙,滋味十足。✅鱼子酱鹅肝丰腴肥美,入口香滑,回味甘香………………W酒店五楼的贵船铁板烧KIBUNE TEPPANYAKI拥有宽敞的主厅,开放式的铁板烧吧台,还有私人包房,而室外花园更适🈴️举行小型派对。餐单上美食品种繁多,无论是情侣约会,商务宴请,或亲朋小聚,均可以一边欣赏都市美景,一边享受美食。餐厅在七夕🎋推出双人套餐,到店,还可以参与七夕抽奖活动,奖品相当丰富。这个七夕,就相约在广州W酒店·贵船铁板烧KIBUNE TEPPANYAKI吧😍🎋🍽️:广州W酒店·贵船铁板烧KIBUNE TEPPANYAKI📍:冼村路26号广州W酒店5楼 #吃一顿海鲜大餐 #自助餐攻略 #美食旬味会 #浪漫约会餐厅 #五星级酒店餐厅

    Posted: Aug 21, 2023
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