

5 /54 Reviews
藏在华严街专的宝藏小店一尾寻仙海鲜辣卤海鲜怎么变着花样吃 还看它们家~清蒸、葱油、焗着吃不不不 辣卤带你解锁新美味~.台湾一口蚝用的还是乳山蚝 品质这块锁死蘸酱吃 一口一个不在话下 太鲜啦~.带膏小鱿鱼肉质紧实 Q弹有嚼劲~居然还是带膏的鱿鱼 就很香~.刺客美人钻超大个的生蚝 食材很新鲜 蘸上秘制的生蚝酱 入口都是鲜美 ~.任性鲍鱼炒饭这份炒饭材料太顶了 两个大大的鲍鱼还有鲜虾~海鲜就着炒饭 想不好吃也挺难的~.秘制鸡爪炖的烂软 一咬就脱骨 还比较好吃~@是爱吃的长颈鹿主笔 跟着我一起吃遍世界店名:一尾海鲜辣卤地址:华严街华严步行街81-109号(华严街菜场对面)<ctag id="104888" type="4" businesstype="1">#玩转户外</ctag> <ctag id="30" type="4" businesstype="1">#网红打卡地</ctag> <ctag id="59353" type="4" businesstype="2">#一起去探店</ctag>
Posted: Sep 16, 2021
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  • Fitz沈
    Original Text

    The decoration of the store is very simple, and there is a small bar directly after entering the door, which has a small bar atmosphere. Although the main thing is takeaway, there is still a 2-story dining space in the store. I have a friend to drink a small wine and eat spicy bran. For our new diners, the boss enthusiastically recommended the new bamboo tube garlic shrimp. The South American shrimp is neatly piled in wooden barrels, with a thick layer of garlic mud on the top, and with dumplings, it can be found that the shrimp are all opened and removed from the shrimp line. This is not only clean, but also the garlic smells deeper, and the lips and teeth are fragrant. The flower carving wine in the store is drunk hairy crabs are selected with fresh and uniform size crabs, and are immersed in the secret marinade juice made from flower carving wine, Wuliangye and other spices after steaming. This dish is quite elegant for the amount of various ingredients, a little small leak will make the crab sour and black. And after the crab in the store peeled open, the large crab yellow overflowed in front of the eyes, the fat cream is full, the entrance is fresh and tender, the aftertaste is sweet, I have to admire the accuracy and rigorousness of the store's materials. The spicy bran in the store is not too spicy, it is completely in line with the taste of Ningbo people. The chef retains the original taste of seafood, but only uses spicy juice to outline the fresh taste of seafood, not to hide the staleness of seafood like some black-hearted merchants outside. You can eat the taste of the ocean through the spicy and savory shrimp tail, the fleshy and succulent spicy abalone, the tender and juicy skin shrimp, and the flexible and smooth kelp. It is a happy ending with a wayward fried abalone rice as a staple. Why is the name "willful", just because the amount of abalone inside is too large. And the boss said that he did not put abalone's ordinary fried rice before, can be sought after by diners, the taste naturally does not need to be said more. A tail search for immortals subverted my previous understanding of seafood processing. I had to believe in magic: "seafood, spicy braised to eat delicious." The title of spicy braised Hermes is really well deserved.

    Posted: Nov 5, 2017
  • 吃喝玩乐不迷路呀

    我的天这家的一口生蚝也太了好吃到上天店名:一尾寻仙海鲜辣卤地址:华严步行街81-109号 今天就来打卡一家生蚝吃到爽的宝藏海鲜店!据说他们家的海鲜,让你吃了忘不了!台湾一口蚝 生蚝绝对是他们家的特色。不管是柠檬生蚝还是蒸生蚝,必点必点必点!生蚝硕大肥美,配上特调的灵魂酱汁,一口气吃十只不能停. 鲍鱼炒饭 这个炒饭真的是绝绝子,鲍鱼超大只,一整颗鲍鱼跟炒饭炒在一起,虾仁也是超大只。这简直就是蛋炒饭的天花板之鲍鱼大虾黄金蛋炒饭。666啊小吃辣卤 辣卤真的是没话说。鸡爪卤的超级入味。糯唧唧的。一口下去。直接脱骨。带膏小鱿鱼我真的爱了!满满的膏!超级肥。Q弹的感觉。配上炒饭,我的天。上头了!

    Posted: Sep 15, 2021
  • 爱旅行小丸子

    #秋日好食节 ——————————————————彩虹广场附近发现一家很好吃的宝藏餐厅据说已经开了年了乳山生蚝配上灵魂蘸料,真的是绝绝子进门就看到老板娘热情的招呼,感觉回到自己家一样总共分两层,环境很舒适——————————————————真是不吃不知道,原来还有这么好吃鲍鱼炒饭!店里的海鲜味道都是超级棒!非常新鲜美味晚上来的,这里环境很漂亮,门口的彩灯和那木制的围栏有种特别温馨的感觉~店内装修的很有艺术感,墙上的挂画和精心的摆设感觉都特别赞——————————————————清闷台湾一口生蚝新鲜的乳山生蚝配上老板娘清收调制的蘸料,真的是绝了鲜美的生蚝肉入口即化,口感很棒,满满一大盘都被我们消灭干净了任性鲍鱼炒饭他们家的炒饭真的是绝了上面直接两个大鲍鱼,还有好多虾仁炒饭粒粒分明,色泽金黄好吃到停不下来,干饭人必备辣卤带膏鱿鱼幼辣卤真的一绝很入味,一口下去都是膏,口感很棒卤鸡爪鸡爪卤的很入味,鲜香软糯,一抿就脱骨,一口气干掉一盘没问题,好吃到连骨头都不想放过凉拌黄瓜清口舒爽的黄瓜吃起来很脆好吃,吃过卤味以后,吃点黄瓜真是太美妙了——————————————————店名:一尾寻仙海鲜辣卤 一尾寻仙海鲜辣卤 地址:宁波市海曙区华严步行街81-109号营业时间:11:30-02:00人均:70

    Posted: Sep 14, 2021