Dr NasMalaysia
levelIconSenior Travel Expert

Peninggalan kota lama

Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact #trippenuhnature #payandtravelwithbrain #trippertamapostcovid Peninggalan kota lama mmg fav la untuk ootd Sbb tu aku suka p europe tgk architecture lepa yg old but spectacular. Old fort ne teringat masa abam p travel di bhutan- scenary dia lebih kurang, sandy, berdebu dan few grenish. Please hold my hand or u just saw me fall down gituuu haha Kat sini pskcik yg bg penerangan tu kalut la tunjuk skill dia ambik pic sorang2- dia guna panaroma konon helok la- aku tgk la hasilnya kat kawan2 yg dia ambik hehe, fake sgt pic dia. Turn aku dia nak ambik aku ckp- its ok im have my own angle, ciput please take abglong pic hehe- terus pakcik tu buat muka haha. Hasilnya hangpa nilai la sendiri hehe.
Posted: Oct 4, 2022
Jefferychin Kian Wai
McDalyn Biki
13 people found this moment helpful
Umi Zulaikha Zuhairah Muslim
Umi Zulaikha Zuhairah Muslim
Where is it located exactly?
Yu Heng Gan
Yu Heng Gan
Looks amazing!
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Altit Fort

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