Reviews for Bali Hotels

Mathis Lodge Amed
4.3/552 Reviews
Mainly take a 4*4 small truck to go up the mountain. After 15 minutes of bumps, you will enter the fairyland, where the mountains and the sea meet. This is an all-villa hotel, each with a sea view, located between the mountains and the sea. This place is suitable for couples who stay at home. The food is delicious and the scenery is beautiful. This is the legendary wild luxury
The Griya Villas and Spa
4.5/559 Reviews
Because going to amed diving near the hotel, griya should be the best. I saw the picture. I feel better after I stayed. It feels better than I expected. It is beyond expectations. In addition to the infrastructure, the clean room is really super nice. You can see through the pool. To the room of Amed Bay, the bathroom is quite semi-outdoor, and the bathing room is also semi-open-air. It feels good. The romantic room has its own swimming pool in the courtyard. The living room and the place to dry clothes are the places we wear with wet clothes every day. The point is very important. The little creature is a bit more haha, but it’s normal to look at the surrounding wild environment. Although it’s very afraid of bugs, it’s just a habit and it’s too scary to enter the room. The creatures usually only go out in the courtyard next time. I can take a family together.
Wapa di Ume Sidemen
4.7/577 Reviews
Klungkung/Bangli/Sid Door
Yes, it is indeed relatively mountainous and remote. So the advantage is that there are fewer tourists than in the seaside area. It is suitable for people who want to be quiet and close to nature for healing. Currently, there are very few Asian tourists and many Europeans. The room is very comfortable, but there are inevitably a lot of ants and insects when staying in a villa, which is normal. The catering, especially the breakfast, is not the usual format of a big hotel. It is an a la carte and exquisite form. The main front desk service can meet the needs even if they are needed. It exceeds expectations and is pleasant! When you walk out of the hotel, there are actually many cafes and restaurants outside that are very comfortable and offer massages, etc. . . . Summarize It is highly recommended for those who really want to rest! If you want to be crazy and lively, go to Kuta!
Alila Manggis
4.4/556 Reviews
The breakfast is very rich, the menu is all a la carte, the portion is a bit too big! The location of the hotel is very good, far from the commercial area, far away from the downtown, very quiet, it is the best choice for vacation, remember it is the best choice for vacation, not for tourism, it is not suitable for booking one or two nights, suitable for three or four nights, it is too comfortable for everyone The waiters are super nice, especially the coffee in the restaurant is delicious. If you are a member of Alila, there is a discount for spa in the hotel. It is recommended to buy more skin care products from the hotel’s own Alila living.
Louka Beach Bali
4.8/55 Reviews
There is a shower in this hotel. I want to go back there and recommend close friends. There is no such thing in the rest of the hotels. Everything is thought up to the tiny things. And very beautiful 😍. You can swim on the sap and dive with a mask. The riff is very beautiful, not worse than in the Maldives. I liked the ocean-side massage under the noise of water. Service and comfort level are the best hotels in the world I was in..
4.7/548 Reviews
(因為點評字數原因, 前段的文章請在 寶格麗巴厘島度假別墅酒店(Bvlgari Resort Bali) 或者 曼達帕麗思卡爾頓酒店(Mandapa, A Ritz-Carlton Reserve)下麪的點評裏找. 第五站, 入住酒店: Amankila 因為對PHUKET的第一家AMANPURI, 入住的感覺很好, 就選擇在攜程上麪訂了這家BALI島AMAN酒店評分最高的Amankila. 叫了酒店接車, 卻來了一輛SUV, 服務到是不錯, 心裏卻有點不爽, 這麼有錢的酒店, 怎麼不開ALPHARD來接呢. 後來才知道, 酒店跟本沒有ALPHARD, 最好的車就是7座的現代的商務車, 從Capella到Amankila用了二個小時, 坐的頭暈暈, 酒店一直不好意思 ,說送行的時候一定用最大7座商務車送我. 到了酒店, 有welcome girl送上花朵, check in 什麼的都在房間了. Amankila本來想住二天就走, 但後來實在懶得換酒店了, 加上小孩子每天要上網課, 也懶得折騰, 就跟酒店說了一下, 後面二天直接免費升級為泳池套房了, 其實裏面戶型都一樣, 就是外麪大了很多, 並多了個泳池. 酒店的優點,: AMAN酒店有一個特性, 雖然都很老, 但都很乾凈舒適. 三層無邊泳池就算是亮點吧. 並且感覺水有加溫, 黑沙灘本人感覺一般, 可能是太小了吧, 也不是很乾凈. 唯一的好處就是如果你要訂晚餐在沙灘吃, 整個沙灘就是你的, 不允許其它客人進了. 酒店的缺點,: 酒店服務質量參差不齊, 這個對於AMAN來說是個不可原諒的, 特別是對於餐廳的服務, 服務質量完全降檔次, 竟然會出現叫不到服務的情況. 餐廳的MANAGER是一個白人, 對老外都會SAY HELLO和寒暄, 但對於中國人竟然無視, 這不是我一個人的意見, 另外幾組中國客戶也是這麼覺得, 而且大家都是在這裏住了三四天, 對於這種選擇性失明服務, 絕對是差評, 這是不可容忍的. 第六站, 入住酒店: Hoshinoya Amankila用了他那輛最大的7座商務車幫我送到了虹夕諾雅, 剛下車的時候我有點不習慣, 竟然衹有一個服務員來迎接我和拿行李, 你要知道, 下車的地方和他們CHECK IN的地方, 是要打開門進去的, 這和其它酒店動不動三四個人來迎接的服務有了強大的反差. 我一直問他, 你確定你一個人OK, 一個人OK? 更奇怪的是, 這個人竟然和幫我CHECK IN和帶我去房間的是同一個人. 又是老套路, 打招呼, 問候, 寒暄, WELCOME DRINK, 然後帶你介紹酒店. 到了房間, 給我的房間竟然是最後一排的一套別墅. 首先我覺得離餐廳和他們的VIEW區太遠, 二我覺得泳池也不好, 我要着重講解一下他們的泳池, 他們的泳池是公用的泳池, 但又不是全部公用, 就是後面幾排別墅共用一個泳池, 前麪幾排共用一個泳池, 當然你的房間走出就是泳池. 但後面幾排感覺很不舒服. 於是我要求換房, 他把酒店地圖那出來, 介紹了一遍, 問我要換到哪裡, 我看了一下, 我說要第一排, 可以直接看河流, 山野, 也就是酒店VIEW最好的一排, 也是離SPA/餐廳/圖書館最近的, 他叫我稍等, 他去確認一下價格. 於是我在鳥籠裏面邊吃下午茶邊等. 過了一會兒, 他報價給我, 加大概RMB 2000. 我試探性的問了一下, 能不能打個折扣, 他說酒店規定沒有任何折扣. OK! 成交. 房間裏游好泳, 叫了HOUSE KEEPING然後準備去吃晚飯, 估計前台英文有點問題, 不是很明白我的意思, 於是來了一個服務員, 我跟他說我要開夜床. 他讓我感覺, 好像是第一次聽到這個要求一樣, 跟我解釋: 酒店規定, 一天衹能打掃一次房間, 所以我們不能再來打掃你的房間. 但是如果你需要更多浴巾的話, 我們可以提供. 我聽完他的解釋, 有點愣了, 這是什麼酒店, 是幾百塊一間的7天嗎? 這是5000元一晚的酒店. 竟然連開夜床服務都沒有. 於是有點火, 真想****, 打電話給前台, 說我能不能住一天, 明天退房.剩下的房費可不可以退我. 答: 不行. 晚上來到餐廳, 有西餐, 印尼菜, 日本菜, 可以選, 既然是日本人開的酒店, 當然選擇日本菜了, 最主要是這幾天西餐, 印尼菜吃的我快反胃了. 七七八八點了一堆, 過了一會兒, 餐廳服務員過來了, 拿了二個迷你杯裝的果汁, 跟我說道, 今天他們覺得他們的芒果質量不是很好, 我們點的鮮榨芒果汁怕我們感覺不好, 所以先試榨了二杯, 讓我們先嘗嘗, 如果覺得不好, 可以換其它果汁. 突然對這個餐廳好感大增, 好感動的服務. 然後送了前菜, 他們每天送的前菜都不一樣, 第一天送的是魚, 第二天送的是章魚, 真的是太美味了, 唯一的遺憾是, 他們的前菜衹送不賣. 好感, 也是從餐廳開始打開, 酒店的日本菜做的真是好吃, 吃好后, 還問我們要不要送點心去房間, 又是意外驚喜. 酒店的優點,: 酒店是屬於慢熱型的酒店, 從一開始的討厭變成了慢慢的喜歡, 覺得服務員都好單純可愛. 酒店SPA值得推薦, 去SPA的電梯, 和Bvlgari去海邊的電梯一樣, 直穿山林, 寂靜. 酒店晚餐, 日餐值得推薦, 也不貴, 我們一家吃下來1000元不到, 跟這幾天其它酒店晚餐動不動2,3千, 而且吃的好舒服. 房間一定要住第一排, 不然感官會差很多. 還有一點比較奇怪, 酒店整理房間的服務員竟然不拿小費, 第一天不拿 , 第二天沒拿, 這是其它酒店從來沒有發生的事. 酒店的缺點,: 有點死板,. 早餐不值, 我們一家差不多花了7,8百, 但早餐的日餐沒有驚喜, 和晚餐比起來差太多, 但價格居然差不多. 終於要回家了, 因為疫情的原因, 本來定的先飛香港再飛寧波的航班取消了. 於是衹能從泰國轉, 再直飛寧波. BALI飛泰國定的泰國國際航空也是個奇葩, 本來定的是公務艙, 到了機場, 我說要窗邊的位置, 他說已經沒有了, 衹有另外一邊的位置了, 但另外一邊是沒有窗的, 並拿出來飛機座位圖給我看. 我一看, 竟然還真的是, 但奇怪的是公務艙前麪還有FIRST CLASS座位, 我說那幫我升FIRST CLASS吧. 他說, 免費升那是不可能的, 要升需要USD 75美金一個人, 我心裏暗笑, 一般航空公司FIRST CLASS要比BUSINESS CLASS貴一倍. 衹要USD 75美金誰不升. 完全是二個檔次的級別體驗. 順便問了他們, 為什麼在買票的時候, 沒有顯示FIRST CLASS座位, 竟然解釋這個衹能在機場升, 真夠奇葩. 到了機場, 定的是攜程接機, 定的是ALPHARD接機, 價格600元RMB. 又出了個奇葩事, 出了機場, 竟然車子沒到, 一會兒說10分鐘到, 一會兒說讓司機走高速, 感覺被耍. 因為現在是非常時刻, 沒有願意在機場待着, 再說那天是2月14日情人節, 還有酒店的DINNER在等着. 後來我說我直接在機場叫車了, 機場租車公司AOT叫車很方便, 奔馳E才300多, BMW 7才500多, 而且馬上可以走. 對方也慌了, 搶着去付打車錢. 回來后, 攜程直接投訴, 攜程答應退我一半, 300元人民幣, 我不答應. 我說過沒這麼欺負人的, 我給他舉了個例子, 如果我付了1000元車費, 你車沒來, 或者叫了一輛5元錢的自行車把我接走了, 然後安撫我退我500. 這不是把客戶當**嘛. 於是再次CALL我, 答應全退, 說這是最大權限了, 我也懶得去爭論了. 當然這個比某豬的服務要好多了, 這裏我要罵一下某豬的服務, 出了問題真是叫天不應, 叫地無門, 氣得要吐血. 到了泰國訂的是ROSEWOOD BANGKOK酒店, 衹能說這個價格不值. 第二天直飛寧波, 下飛機的時候出了一個小插曲, 飛機停穩后, 機長叫我們全部在座位上不要動, 等待指令, 衹見後面一對夫妻抱着一個我也不知道是不是發燒的小孩, 匆匆跑出飛機. 坐在第一排的我, 嚇得我一陣頭暈, 慘了, 是不是中招了, 難道我們整個飛機上的人真的要全部拉去隔離了, 過了二三十分鐘后, 可以下飛機了. 阿彌陀佛! 對於酒店的選擇, 一般我的選擇是新大於舊, 但是太新的也不一定好. 再者, 對於酒店的評價, 1000元有1000元的服務標準, 5000元有5000元的服務標準, 同樣的服務給我, 如果我衹付了1000元的房費, 我可能覺得很好了, 但是我付了5000元的話, 我又覺得不夠. 對於BALI那些TOP系的酒店, 我的意見是如果你不滿意, 一定要提出來, 你付了這個貴的房費, 其中有一大部份是買服務的, 把你服務好是他們的宗旨. 度假其實就是住酒店, 房型其實對你很重要, 最便宜的房型有的時候不能得到好的感受, 如果你覺得房間不喜歡, 可以讓酒店帶你去多看不同的房型, 這是他們的職責, 畢竟你是來度假的, 肯定是要讓自己身心愉悅的. 對於小費, 我一般是付10W印尼盾, , 如果衹是電瓶車接送的話, 就付5W印尼盾, 畢竟住這個級別的酒店, 也不差這麼一點了. 對於酒店的服務, 我有二點是不能容忍的, 一是把客人當**, 二是把對中國人和歐美人的服務區別對待.

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Bali 5 star Hotel Guide

Introduction to Bali

Bali, an Indonesian island known for its forested volcanic mountains, iconic rice paddies, and stunning beaches, is the country's most famous tourist destination. Filled with ancient temples, rich arts and crafts, and a vibrant nightlife, Bali offers a kaleidoscopic blend of natural beauty and cultural depth.

Tips for Travelling to Bali

Bali's main international gateway is Ngurah Rai International Airport, located near the capital city, Denpasar. Travelers can explore Bali through taxis, local buses, bicycles, motorbikes, or even hired cars.

The official currency is the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR). Most hotels and restaurants accept credit cards, but having some cash on hand for local markets and smaller venues is recommended. Indonesian is the official language, but English is widely spoken in tourist areas.

As for visas, many nationalities can enter Indonesia visa-free for up to 30 days, but it's best to check before your journey.

Popular Attractions in Bali

Bali offers a wealth of cultural and natural attractions. Explore the ancient temples of Tanah Lot and Uluwatu, or immerse yourself in the artistic heritage of Ubud, Bali's cultural heart. Visit the Tegalalang Rice Terraces and the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary for unique experiences.

Bali's beaches are equally enticing, with Kuta Beach, Seminyak Beach, and Nusa Dua Beach offering vibrant beach life. Surfing enthusiasts will love the waves at Uluwatu and Canggu.

Weather, Best Time to Visit, and What to Wear

Bali enjoys a tropical climate with temperatures fairly consistent year-round. The best times to visit are during the dry season, from April to October. Bring lightweight, breathable clothing, a hat, and sunscreen to protect from the sun. Also, remember to dress modestly when visiting temples.

Choosing Your Ideal Hotel in Bali

For luxury beachfront accommodation, consider the Legian Bali or the W Bali in Seminyak. In Ubud, the Hanging Gardens of Bali offers a unique luxury experience with its Instagram-famous infinity pool.

For budget travelers, the Puri Garden Hotel and Hostel in Ubud offers comfort and excellent service. The Dash Hotel Seminyak, with its eclectic and colorful design, is an Instagram-worthy stay.

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Every booking earns you Trip Coins that can be redeemed for future discounts. Discover the enchanting beauty and rich cultural heritage of Bali with today!

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