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Great places to go near Leshan Giant Buddha in June (updated 2024)

Things to do near Leshan Giant Buddha

1. Emei Mountain

What travelers say:
M35***35: "Cheng purchase tickets is convenient and fast. The staff service attitude is very good. After arriving at the station, directly swipe the ID card to take the car to Leidongping. It takes 2 hours to walk for a while. Take the ropeway to Jinding to see the Buddha statue inside Puxian. It is very solemn. The original road returns to Leidongping and takes the car to Wuxiangang. To see the monkey, you have to walk 5-6 kilometers of mountain road, and there is a line of sky and other attractions on the way. Eating is not expensive and will come again."
Emei Mountain
Opening hours: Opens at 06:00-17:00
Price: From EUR18
Discount: -14.03
Distance: 40.92km
Recommended sightseeing time:1-2 days
Address: Near Emeishan (Southwest Gate), No. 41 Mingshan South Road, Emeishan City, Leshan City

2. Three-Su Temple Museum

What travelers say:
Anonymous User: "From childhood, I looked up at the Tang and Song eighths of everyone growing up, and then I spent the college entrance examination under the inspiration of Su Laoquan. Now I have arrived at the time of "old man chatting and teenager madness", and Fang came to look up, or some excitement. It was just raining that day, and it was May Day. There were too many people and it felt unsatisfactory. It was a little "amorous but ruthlessly annoyed". I thought "people are missing, the peaks are green" and I left the park..."
Three-Su Temple Museum
Opening hours: Opens at 09:00-18:00(Tickets available until 17:30; admission ends at 17:30)
Price: From EUR65
Distance: 55.47km
Recommended sightseeing time:1-3 hours
Address: In the southwest of Meishan city

3. Golden Peak Temple

What travelers say:
人生就是修行-止: "The golden roofs at night and in the morning are particularly beautiful. The sea of clouds during the day is also good, and the holy statue is indeed majestic in front of it. I didn't see those spectacles such as holy lights and Buddha lights. I can only follow the fate. Finally, thank you for the stick brothers who accompanied you all the way."
Golden Peak Temple
Opening hours: Opens at 06:00-17:00
Distance: 42.25km
Recommended sightseeing time:1-3 hours
Address: No. 41, Mingshan South Road, Emeishan City, Leshan City

4. Oriental Buddha Capital

What travelers say:
_We***76: "Bringing my mother to travel, very shocking, very close to the Leshan Giant Buddha, plenty of time, you can come to visit and feel it, if you can ask an explanation, you can better understand the history and feel the cultural atmosphere"
Oriental Buddha Capital
Opening hours: Opens at 07:30-18:00
Distance: 731m
Recommended sightseeing time:1-2 hours
Address: 362 Lingyun Road, Shizhong District, Leshan City

Restaurants near Leshan Giant Buddha

1. Jinfoshan Restaurant

What travelers say:
当地向导巴蜀真龙私人定制游: "Luoshan Giant Buddha Visitor Center is a Chinese restaurant 100 meters inward. You can use the high-end atmosphere, simple and elegant, Haining Jinta to describe this Chinese restaurant waiter is very beautiful, per capita consumption is about 100 yuan"
Jinfoshan Restaurant
Price: Avg. per personEUR11
Distance: 404m
Address: No. 1339 Lingyun Road (Opposite to the ticket office of the North Gate of Leshan Giant Buddha)

2. 乐山嫩豆花

What travelers say:
_in***51: "Very awkward, no next time"
Price: Avg. per personEUR4
Distance: 443m
Address: 1217 Lingyun Road

3. Dongmenxibadoufuyuzhuang

What travelers say:
taijie19720521: "It is said that it is a tofu fish farm, there are all kinds of dishes, all kinds of Sichuan cuisine stir-fried dishes, there is a simple lunch, the taste is very delicious, specially asked not to put spicy, do well delicious, delicious, at the time the most favorite to eat is seasonal vegetables and wontons."
Distance: 459m
Address: 1205 Lingyun Road


What travelers say:
洋洋得意: "Oriental Buddha Capital, national 4A-level tourist attraction. It is in the Lingyun Jiufeng, Leshan City, with Leshan Giant Buddha, within the scope of the world's "double heritage". The forest area is more than 1,000 mu. The four peaks of Lingyun Jiufeng are now under the jurisdiction of the Oriental Buddha Capital Scenic Area. Lingyun Jiufeng, the Tang Dynasty "peaks have temples", the fighting of the Yuan war destroyed the four peak temples. Today's Oriental Buddhas restore the old appearance according to the ancient monuments, retain the original mountain and forest style of the Tang Dynasty, relying on the mountain trend, high and low scattered, Linyin Thousand Buddhas, Caves in the Caves"
Distance: 374m
Address: 1323 Lingyun Road

Shops near Leshan Giant Buddha

1. 好美佳超市

What travelers say:
ljkj: "Supermarket items are dazzling, is a good place to shop!"
Distance: 31.53km
Address: Life Square of Emei Campus, Southwest Jiaotong University, Emeishan City (Near Baoguo Temple)

2. 北京華聯

What travelers say:
张拉拉999: "Popular, the square next to it is also suitable for leisure and entertainment, upstairs department stores, and cinemas, negative supermarkets, the city's large department stores should be the first, there is a fatal injury, parking is too difficult, the free threshold is quite high."
Distance: 5.33km
Address: 211 South Section of Fenghuang Road

3. 梅西百貨

What travelers say:
zixunshi99: "Not a local, the first time I came here, I saw Macy's, I thought it was the same as the department store abroad, I came to see, it was really different, almost like a small department store."
Distance: 3.98km
Address: Junction of Jiading Middle Road and Baiyang East Road (near Beimen Bridge), Shizhong District, Leshan City

4. 人人樂(嘉定店)

What travelers say:
zixunshi99: "Sometimes the supermarket will still compare the price, sometimes colleagues will say that they have any special products to buy, this time some of their condiments are playing special prices, so come and buy many bottles and cans"
Opening hours: Opens at 9:00-22:00
Distance: 3.44km
Address: No. 345, Jiading Middle Road

Hotels near Leshan Giant Buddha

1. Le Shan Jinjiang Jia Zhou Hotel

Le Shan Jinjiang Jia Zhou Hotel
Price: EUR72
Discount: 15% OFF
Distance: 1.79km
Address: No. 85, Bai ta Street

2. Jiangshang Lingyun·Qingwan Hotel (Leshan Giant Buddha Zhanggongqiao Food Street)

Jiangshang Lingyun·Qingwan Hotel (Leshan Giant Buddha Zhanggongqiao Food Street)
Price: EUR25
Discount: 16% OFF
Distance: 1.05km
Address: 1 East Street

3. Tanyu Hotel (Leshan Zhanggongqiao Food Street)

Tanyu Hotel (Leshan Zhanggongqiao Food Street)
Price: EUR63
Discount: 21% OFF
Distance: 2.8km

4. SFEEL Designer Hotel (Leshan Giant Buddha Food Street)

SFEEL Designer Hotel (Leshan Giant Buddha Food Street)
Price: EUR57
Discount: 19% OFF
Distance: 790m
Address: Jiahui building, 34 South Binjiang Road