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Great places to go near Furong Town in June (updated 2024)

Things to do near Furong Town

1. Tianmen Mountain

What travelers say:
楠木片儿: "The scenery is pleasant, the combination of mountain climbing and cable car and elevator, suitable for children with a little younger to experience, time is tight to come to Tianmen Mountain, you can experience anything in the morning, a good place for parent-child travel ~"
Tianmen Mountain
Opening hours: Opens at 07:30-18:00(Admission ends at 16:00)
Price: From KRW53,462
Distance: 66.74km
Recommended sightseeing time:0.5-1 day
Address: Tianmenshan National Forest Park, Tianmenshan Cableway, Dayong Road, Yongding District, Zhangjiajie City

2. Aizhai Bridge

What travelers say:
Anonymous User: "The return experience was not very good. The 60-65 elderly ticket was asked to buy a ticket from the bridge to the visitor center. When showing the elderly ticket, it was said that it was not included, and the ticket was bought and boarded. Later, I carefully checked that it was 60 (inclusive) to 65 (not included) , but 65 is not included. I hope can convey this experience to the attractions. The bridge spectacle made by a large country should not let such a bad experience be affected, 5 yuan is a small matter."
Aizhai Bridge
Opening hours: Opens at 09:00-17:30
Distance: 56.9km
Recommended sightseeing time:1 hour
Address: Aizhai Town, Jishou City, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture

3. Aizhai Wonders Tourist Area

What travelers say:
zha***10: "The scenic spot is very beautiful, the bridge is majestic, Jidou Miao Village is still in original state, the scenic spot is too big, and it is very difficult to travel without a guide. I hope that the scenic spot will do a good job of publicity and introduce, combine different play routes, and let tourists choose!"
Aizhai Wonders Tourist Area
Opening hours: Opens at 08:30-17:30
Distance: 58.62km
Recommended sightseeing time:0.5-1 day
Address: Jishou City, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture

4. Morong Miaozhai

What travelers say:
Anonymous User: "The stockade is on the side of the road, the parking lot is convenient for parking, the parking management staff is very good, the sign signs in the stockade are clear, and the overall feeling is good."
Morong Miaozhai
Opening hours: Opens at 07:00-18:00
Distance: 30.04km
Recommended sightseeing time:1-2 hours
Address: Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Mozong Town, Guzhang County, Provincial Road 229

Restaurants near Furong Town

1. Liuxiaoqingmidoufudian

What travelers say:
我是夜王: "2021/7/21 Breakfast at the authentic Liu Xiaoqing rice tofu store in Furong Town in the morning. The most ordinary 5 yuan bowl of salted rice tofu tastes good. I personally feel that plus the chili sauce in the store, it tastes better. This chili sauce is not very spicy, but it is very fresh."
Price: Avg. per personKRW3,035
Distance: 140m
Address: 113 Furong Town

2. Tianxiadiyiluo

What travelers say:
老吴华哥: "The world's first snail restaurant is on the edge of Furong Town. Mainly using the snails of the Mengdong River as raw materials, it creates a unique snail taste, which is developed from authentic Xiangxi snacks to delicacies on the table. However, people there may have a heavy taste. This first snail is too salty and it may be better to lighten it."
Price: Avg. per personKRW10,357
Distance: 207m
Address: 21 Hebang Street, Furong Town

3. Zhengzong113haomidoufudian

What travelers say:
_We***62: "The boss is from Beijing! Atmosphere! Also very polite, face! Whether it is service, concept, facilities, attitude, are in place! The boss is very enthusiastic! Especially kind! Absolutely Beijing masters! There is a taste of going home! I like it very much! Like, like, like"
Price: Avg. per personKRW1,607
Distance: 418m
Address: Shiban Street in Furong Town

4. 壹镇壹味

What travelers say:
豆丁爸看世界: "I played Tianmen Mountain and drove all the way to Furong Town. Because the booked homestay is in the scenic area, vehicles cannot enter, and it is inconvenient to carry luggage. I simply eat at the entrance of the scenic area. The tour guide took us to this store. The store is relatively large and the environment is OK. It is said that the most famous here is snails. Naturally, it is necessary. There are also some dishes such as snails. As a result, when I eat, I feel that the snails are average, but the snails are more delicious. The overall feeling is average."
Distance: 238m
Address: 湘西土家族苗族自治州永顺县芙蓉路芙蓉镇区漂流景区环境综合治理联合执法大队西侧

Shops near Furong Town

1. 家園超市

What travelers say:
滇国剑客: "Home supermarket, like the name of the feeling of home, this from the management design concept, to consumers' purchase behavior, form a benign stimulus, in this home-like environment, enjoy a kind of shopping fun."
Distance: 29.16km
Address: 150 meters northeast of the intersection of Liangquan Road and South Xiangtan Road

2. 黑豬肉莊

What travelers say:
M42***76: "Black pork tastes good and tastes particularly good."
Distance: 27.48km
Address: No. 9, Support Lane, Nanshan Road, Lingxi Town

3. 福萬家超市

Distance: 29.65km
Address: G209 (Hexi Road), Yongshun County, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province

4. 百佳超市

Distance: 43.8km
Address: Yongshun County, West Hunan Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture

Hotels near Furong Town

1. Erzhuo Valley, Furong Town · Dieyunjian

Erzhuo Valley, Furong Town · Dieyunjian
Price: KRW203,169
Discount: 20% OFF
Distance: 3.06km
Address: Hongshilin Town, 780 meters north of Longxia parking lot

2. Annai · Xizhou Ji Hotel

Annai · Xizhou Ji Hotel
Price: KRW102,830
Distance: 371m
Address: Next to Agricultural Bank of Furong Town, Shanghe Street

3. 8 Days Holiday Hotel Furong Town

8 Days Holiday Hotel Furong Town
Price: KRW26,415
Discount: 30% OFF
Distance: 2.24km
Address: No.68 Shuangqiao Community, Furong Town

4. Furong Town Qinghuan Washe Inn

Furong Town Qinghuan Washe Inn
Price: KRW57,207
Discount: 20% OFF
Distance: 1.21km
Address: Furong Community No.29, Furong Town