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138***9010.2 Shenyang---Ji'an 327 kilometers About 3 hours and 58 minutes Our family of three departed at about 4:30 from Dongling on the high speed and arrived at Ji'an at 9 am. Since we set off earlier, there were almost no cars on the high speed. After arriving, we took the children to visit the museum. Remind everyone to bring ID cards, no tickets, queue at the entrance of the museum, 100 people in 40 minutes, the museum is very small, and it will be finished in a while. In the afternoon, I went to the riverside, strolled in the guitar square, made a speedboat, 50 yuan a person is only eight kilometers upstream, 100 yuan a person is 20 kilometers upstream and downstream, we made 100, the yacht cost 300 yuan. Then I went to eat the Gaoli brazier. In fact, the brazier is almost the same. The big table of the individual is generally very fast. It is the long time for the small table to wait in line. I waited for about an hour and ate the Gaoli brazier. Because there are too many Cui family members, Cui family has not given a number. The three people spent 220 yuan, 10.3 We visited Wunvfeng National Park. To be honest, this is really not good. The scenery on the mountain is not as good as the scenery on the mountain on the side of Benxi. It is better to go to the old side ditch for a stroll! But since we came, we went. It is recommended that you must buy the tickets inside. If you don't go, it is really exhausting. I personally suggest that this Wunvfeng can go or not. There is no good mountain scenery on the other side of Benxi. In the evening, we went to eat Koryo barbecue. We went at about five o'clock. After an hour, the three people spent 270 yuan. Generally, the meat was more than 50. We were more willing to eat sweet and sour dishes, so his mixed dishes did not suit our appetite. 10.43 No. 4 went to the morning market for two days. I bought some breakfast. There were a lot of people. The attitude of the rice noodles family was very bad. I had a person in front of me who told him not to use coriander. He said that he couldn't get it. You can sell it. Buy it, I can't buy it, I'm not bad for you. I'm still worried about selling it. I didn't buy it after listening. Everyone bought the pot, the cold taste is not good, and I bought the yak beef pie, sour soup because we used to eat it often and didn't buy it. I also bought a small fish cake. I bought some rice wine and canned Ji'an white peach to send people, Ji'an white peach we did not buy, it is sour and sweet, I feel acid accounted for more. 10.4 On the morning of the morning, we went to the Yalujiang National Gate Scenic Area. There were a lot of people. We bought a commemorative coin for the children to play. After about 12 o'clock, we left and returned to Shenyang. The return car is obviously much more. We didn't go to the Gaoli Scenic Area because we were tired after climbing the mountain, and the children were not interested. I saw that the introduction was all stone piles, so I didn't go. This is my 11-3-day holiday to Ji'an, give you a reference. #A good place to travel around peace of mind