Grand Prismatic Spring
Grand Prismatic Spring
Grand Prismatic Spring

Photos of Grand Prismatic Spring

One of the more famous geysers in Yellowstone Park is the largest hot spring in the United States and the third largest in the world. It is named "Grand Prism" because of its colorful colors. From the inside to the outside, it presents different colors such as blue, green, yellow, orange, orange, red, etc., and is known as "the more beautiful surface of the earth". There is a pedestrian wooden plank road around the Grand Prism, and it takes about 40 minutes to walk down. To get a good perspective and shooting angle, go from the FairyFallTrail to the small hills southwest of the hot springs.

Reviews on Grand Prismatic Spring

大棱镜Grand Prismatic Spring,是黄石公
大棱镜Grand Prismatic Spring,是黄石公园里最有名的温泉之一。大棱镜是黄石的代表作,就像黄山的迎客松一样的名片。人们可以没去过黄山,但你一定看到过迎客松的形象;同理,人们可能没去过黄石,但大棱镜的全景图一定是出现在美国旅游首榜上的。 多彩缤纷的大棱镜,直径大概有100米,是美国最大,世界第三大的温泉,有近50米深,水温高达85℃,每分钟约会涌出2000升泉水。在飘着清雨的天空中,显得更加热气腾腾。 行人能看到的角度,是一个侧平面,并不是在各大宣传册上看到的空中全景。 但即使是只窥一角,便已感受到其气势逼人,有一种不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中的感觉。 又有一种,一般大神级别的景色都不会让人很轻易的看到。全天的游览,就在此处停留的几分钟里,下了雨,此时的气候,风雨交加,让人感觉置身自然的怀抱中,内心随着天边云,风中雨,潇洒澎湃。 我一直坚信,旅途中所有的遇见都是缘分,尽情享受这天地间风雨与热气交相辉映的全方位体验,此处,堪称经典! 以下这段是在网上听说:“大棱镜温泉的美在于湖面的颜色随季节而改变,春季,湖面从绿色变为灿烂的橙红色,这是由于富含矿物质的水体中生活着的藻类和含色素的细菌等微生物,它们体内的叶绿素和类胡萝卜素的比例会随季节变换而改变,于是水体也就呈现出不同的色彩。”所以,在我们到达的夏季,这里的叶绿素含量相对较低,显现橙色、红色,或黄色。但听说到了冬季,由于缺乏光照,这些微生物就会产生更多的叶绿素来抑制类胡萝卜素的颜色,于是就看到水体呈现深绿色。 和大棱镜比起来,周围还有三处小热泉,虽没有大棱镜大气,但依然精巧美丽。

Attractions Near Grand Prismatic Spring

Grand Prismatic Spring
Grand Prismatic Spring
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