Best Restaurants in June in Gaochun District (Updated 2024)

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€4Fusion Cuisine
Hhhhhhhh..#In Wuhu, this sugar water shop really has no rival ‼️ I found that Ronghui is really dripping with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Many delicious foods are in this [Cute][Cute] This sugar water shop has been open here for many years. Every day, people eat sugar water in it late. The sky is about to heat up, and the smoothie series is well cut. Longan ice is too satisfying to go down, you can burst beads~ Chaoshan stone ear sweet soup, for a sweet soup, not very sweet is the biggest praise for it, really not sweet! ! Longan coconut juice horse-hoove sand has full of horseshoe meat, it tastes very rich, and I can smell the aroma of horseshoes. In short, I can cut it for many years in his house. I will try it for you next time. Zhang Apo's traditional handmade sugar water shop (Xingyue Plaza Store) Let's say, Come to Desheng Square for this mouth! ! ! ! It's right to eat with the students in Lugu Lake! ! There are many places for college students! The taste is not bad ✅ Lugu Lake Desheng Square, this flower carving drunk chicken is really delicious! ! Slightly spicy is a bit spicy! ! It is recommended that sisters who can't eat spicy eat spicy! ! The chicken is very tender and has a little sweet taste ~ Sweet and spicy, very tasty, very delicious, the small stew is also very delicious. Summarize the sentence ✅ I will come to eat next time. The price is also super cost-effective! ! Huadiao Drunk Chicken (Desheng Plaza No. 1) Originally just came to stay in a hotel, the breakfast presented was thinking about eating casually, I didn't expect it! Breakfast is so rich? ! ! ! [Cute][Cute][Cute] There are many types. I ate a bowl of noodles, there are several kinds of toppings, beef, mushroom meat sauce! ! They are all delicious, there are also salmon pieces, juice 🧃 There are also many kinds, these days there are new red bean wine brewed not too good! ! I feel that this hotel is a complex with everything! ! Recommended recommendation! ! ! Kunpeng Hotel (Wuhu Shangri-La Store) #Really fragrant snack collection #Buffet guide #Hotel living addiction #High-end hotel that you will understand after sleeping #Local specialty snacks


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€8Hot Pot
蓝海清风1号Store name: Jiuding Maodu Hot Pot (Yintai Store) ^ Address: 418 Limin West Road, Huajin South Road, Lijiang District, Wuhu, 4th Floor, Yintai City Transportation: Bus 48/503 to Patriotic New Village Station, walk about 581 meters Business hours: Monday to Sunday 10:00 am - 21:30 pm Value of 221 yuan package content: Includes pot bottom (choose one of three), selected tomato soup + spicy beef with crispy belly, fatty beef, fresh duck blood, tofu skin, three-colored face with bracelet, 2 servings of optional seasoning. Free fruit and free drinks (with plum and orange juice). Dishes experience: 1 [Crispy belly] The signboard in the store is still foggy, and the large belly is cooked in the pot for about 9 seconds. It tastes very crispy. If it is cooked for a long time, the taste will be a bit old. 2 [fat cow] A fat cow about 10 large pieces, looks rosy, very fresh, enough to eat, fat and lean, more lean meat, eat slightly chewy, taste good. 3 [Fresh duck blood] Bring up a bowl of duck blood soup with red oysters, which is a duck blood jelly. It tastes fresh and smooth, Q is refreshing, and it tastes delicious for a while. 4 [Tofu skin] looks like soy oil skin or bamboo, put in the pot for a while can eat, very smooth taste. 5 [Handcuffs Three-color noodles] Three-color noodles are yellow, green and white three colors, you can eat hot pot dishes and finally eat in the pot to cook, used to be full, noodles are still delicious. 6 [Tomato Soup + Butter Spicy] Pot bottom tomato stew pot bottom, spicy, not spicy, suitable for partners who can not eat spicy, tomato soup tastes great, you can drink, butter base is also very sufficient.