Best Restaurants in May in Charlestown (Updated 2024)

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897Han Palace

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yan雨乔I met with my family and friends on the weekend. I came to this Hanhuang Hotel in Virginia for the first time. I was shocked. It was so hot. I had not yet opened business. There was a long queue outside the door. When I entered the restaurant, I found that all the positions were empty. I came here. Make an appointment in advance, especially on weekends, otherwise many people can only wait outside or have to pack and take away. This is a Hong Kong-style tea restaurant, a variety of exquisite and high-end cuisine, crispy roast duck, shrimp dumplings, lotus leaf rice, milk yellow buns, barbecued buns, rice rolls, egg tarts, roast wheat and other classic flavors are almost every table. Most of the people who come here to eat are Chinese, and the service staff are also Chinese. So there is no language barrier, it is about half an hour's drive from Washington, D.C., and many people come here. The tableware in the hotel is also completely Chinese. The roof of the restaurant is a large Chinese painting "icing on the cake". The wall is hung with calligraphy and paintings of "birds and flowers". The interior decoration is also a retro design style. Here you can feel the same as in China, Chinese style, Chinese taste, Chinese, Chinese love, lament the Chinese nation's food culture is vast and profound, and the source is long. Address: 7900 Westpark Dr, McLean, VA 22102 Business hours: 11:30—21:00, extended to 22:00 on Saturday #Yan Control's favorite afternoon tea #Gourmet Forest Restaurant punch card