Best Restaurants in June in Wuhe (Updated 2024)

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lthyuFujian has a history of gossip, gossip place, complex geography, mountains, rivers and lakes, crisscrossed and horizontal. Not only the location is excellent, but also the food can be unique. If you want to eat gossip food, do you need to step all the way to gossip? No, no... After Zhongshan Road in Xiamen, there is a Yaomei specialty food court, mainly with Yao flavor food. Xiamen Yaoshan specialty food theme plaza is behind Zhongshan Road. This food court is nearly 7,000 square meters away, decorated in the style of southern Fujian, spacious and clean. It is divided into southern Anhui, Hakka, northern Anhui, eastern Anhui, and other areas. According to your favorite, you can order food according to the district, or you can make a table in each district, which is a rich gossip food. Soon after opening, this food court was popular, and it arrived at dinner time. It can be said that there are crowds, and there are queues at each stall. It is really not lively. The taste of Tingzhou in the oversized room is mainly Tingzhou cuisine. Salt wine Hetian chicken, with rice wine to pick up the flavor, not only fresh, but also no fishy smell, Hetian chicken is soft and moderate, with a light wine-flavored skin Q meatball, delicious. Taro sub-bag, the outer skin has the aroma of taro, the filling is added meat, mushrooms, winter dumplings, etc. Fresh and soft, rich in taste. The seagulls are fried, and the color is very attractive. The oversized ones will help cut into small pieces, then insert the bamboo sticks and take another bite. The soft Q bullet has the delicious taste of seagulls, which is super satisfying. There are also earthen frozen, fish balls, Buddha jumping off the wall... A variety of gossip snacks four fruit soup, can be said to be the best dessert after the meal. More than a dozen ingredients, according to their own preferences, add sugar water or ice on the top, a bowl is really super satisfying. The most intimate thing is that the queue is also to bring the souvenir Ajizai here, the retro packaging of the tiles is really a good gift.