
XI YOU JI Review

4.5 /5467 Reviews


Posted: Dec 25, 2019
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  • 多啦丘丘
    Original Text

    My mother's university classmates saw us come to Beijing to play in the circle of friends, and warmly invited us to eat. I chose this Quanjude Qianmen Street in Quanjude. It is said to be the main store. The decoration is also stylish. When I arrived at the meal, there were a lot of people. The queue was very long. Several students who knew my mother well came. It became an old classmate gathering, and the classmates' love for decades was the most precious. I just had a meal when I was the age of Benqi, and there were so many people thinking about inviting me to dinner.

    Posted: May 10, 2021
  • 实叶熏
    Original Text

    [Environment] The restaurant is located in Heshenghui Plaza, Wujiaochang business district, Yangpu District. When I got off work, I found that I didn't have to queue up. The environment is relatively clean and there is no greasy feeling. [Service] The service can't keep up. I communicated with the waiter. The reply I got was that due to the epidemic, many waiters did not take up their jobs, so it was too late [skimming] Okay [taste] and beef ribs, this beef is still very fresh seafood rice ^ relatively fresh

    Posted: Jan 2, 2021
  • 周游世界I
    Original Text

    Yuji roast meat is a special fashion barbecue brand created and launched by Shanghai Dingda Food and Beverage Management Co., Ltd., based in Shanghai, its brand focuses on rich barbecue types, first-class quality, unique flavor, creative, popular with young consumer groups, It is on the fourth floor of the Shanghai Heshenghui.

    Posted: Mar 28, 2020
    Original Text

    Traveling Notes is a magical theme creative restaurant that focuses on "BBQ + Seafood + Rice". Heshenghui Store is located next to the left courtyard and right courtyard on the 4th floor of the mall, and there is no need to queue up on weekdays. The decoration style of the entire restaurant is full of fantasy, new magic colors and constantly playing theme songs such as Dahua West Tour. There are American bar chairs and Chinese sofa seats, and there is a baking tray in the middle of each table. The dishes on the menu are mostly named after the character stories in the travel history. The water cup is made of stainless steel. The tableware with paper towels, wipes and dumplings is 2 yuan per set. You can scan the QR code mobile phone order on the table. A platter-style barbecue sauce for 1 yuan (including barbecue juice, natural chili powder, sour and sweet sauce three), after eating, you can let the waiter add food for free. The roast meat with spices is about 4 two per serving. I ordered the recommended dishes 39.9 yuan of classic beef tongue "salt onion beauty tongue" and "three flavors of real roast beef five flowers". The waiter will guide you to help barbecue on the side or barbecue by yourself. During the period, the waiter will continue to follow up to help adjust the fire and replace it in time. Bake plate. The beef tongue meat is hard and a little hard to chew, the thin beef flowers are relatively easy to ripen, after seven or eight mature, put the meat in the mouth, gently chew, the meat is relatively fine, with the barbecue sauce meat fragrance drifting. 38.9 Yuan's "small vegetable girl version" is actually a small vegetable hot pot, which contains lunch meat, spicy cabbage, fans, golden needle mushrooms, mushrooms, spinach, etc., but the taste is spicy, and the taste of Korean spicy cabbage hot pot. "Lao Jiang corn sausage rice" by independent sorghum, seaweed accessories and Q-flavored sausage fried rice three separate utensils, their own rice to the special sorghum and mixed into seaweed accessories, the taste is more mellow and delicious, very like Japanese rice. When paying the bill, you can scan the desktop payment code directly to check out and invoice, and it is said that customers on their birthdays can give away "Flying Fairy" and so on. About 90 yuan per capita.

    Posted: Mar 29, 2018
  • 浠曦shmily


    Posted: Jun 3, 2017
  • 饕餮yuki

    2016.08.13感觉很久没去大杨浦了,合生汇都开了好久了阿拉还是头一回涉足。这地方空调给力,美食多多,停车还免费,阿拉喜欢的,就是周末人有点多...4楼这家人气烤肉店,装修蛮有意思的,入口处用喷雾和光影的投射弄了个水帘洞一看到这个大门,顿时脑海里就响起了“大王叫我来巡山呐~”他家人气高到不行!阿拉下午2点来吃饭,都可以算是下午茶时间了,居然还要拿号等位!还好等得不久,大约一刻钟就入座了,下午3点是最后点单时间。这家烤肉店哦,装修绝对是“画风清奇”,到处都是大蜘蛛,天花板上挂着各国名画,还混搭了中国风的灯笼,觉得有点点辣眼睛啊...▲ 老孙我最牛因为3点店员们要休息了,所以阿拉和小伙伴点菜也就不纠结了,直接按照点评的推荐点了几个特色菜。老孙我最牛是店里的招牌no.1,居然还有雪花纹路,肉肉品质的确是不错的!就是切得薄了一些,一份下肚,没啥存在感。▲ 盐葱美人舌牛舌的缺点也是薄,但是烤完之后一点都不老诶~▲ 俺老猪更牛名字看得阿拉云里雾里的,其实就是调味梅肉啦!猪肉事先有用酱汁腌制过,吃起来会有甜甜的肉汁,肉肉弹性也不错,这个可以有哟~▲ 炸鸡翅阿拉就是爱吃炸鸡,所以看到就点了。没啥好多说的,真心不推荐,还不如吃吃麦当劳的辣翅呢▲ 培根蔬菜饼阿拉和小伙伴怕吃不饱所以又点了个蔬菜饼,感觉捡到宝了!!这款蔬菜饼便宜又好吃诶!饼很厚实的,里面满满的卷心菜和培根,一点也不油腻呢!▲ 齐天大圣海胆饭这个海胆泡饭噱头也是蛮足的,还没反应过来店员就已经帮我们拌好了。服务相当敏捷!泡饭好吃的,高汤+海胆+海带芽搭配在一起鲜得不得了~阿拉一口气干掉两碗~饮料名字阿拉也不记得了,最近脑子不大好呢!只记得饮料味道靠谱,而且不贵~总的来说这家店环境有亮点,不过怕蜘蛛的妹子们就别去了。服务和菜品还可以,价格小贵,不排队的话随便吃吃还是不错哒~

    Posted: Aug 27, 2017
  • 寂寞的西瓜

    先给个结论吧:总体超出期望值,原料水准高于绝大多数的普通烧烤店,值得尝试。当然,还必须感谢慷慨哒买单侠~ 话说,介位买单侠绝对算得上是它家的死忠粉惹,这次终于被拉去一起吃吃喝喝,所以选择的某些餐品难免有些被左右咯,比如看上去就略感华而不实的五百年的约定,又是土豆丝+松茸的暗黑搭配,想放弃,却被买单侠称为“赞款”,好吧勇敢尝试一下下— —结果,完全和预想的一样,整个罐子里,充满了土豆的淀粉质感,松茸本身的鲜甜和清爽却被盖得严严实实,可惜❗️ 幸好,除此之外几乎没有雷区,其他的餐品都hin满意,食材的新鲜度令人印象深刻。尤其,它家的和牛烤物,简直性价比爆棚,严重安利

    Posted: Aug 10, 2017
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