
SongHeLou CaiGuan (ShanTangJie) Review

4.2 /5672 Reviews

SongHeLou CaiGuan (ShanTangJie)

Posted: Feb 5, 2021
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  • L吴小米
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    Shantang Street, this Songhe Tower is on the other side of Guangji Road. It has been renovated. I have remembered that it is very shabby several times over the years. Now it is decorated tall and antique. The dishes taste very good, especially crab powder tofu. November is the season for crabs, crab powder is very fresh and not fishy at all. When you arrive in Suzhou, you can taste the excellent yellow of Shazhou, and the crab powder is also very good. The price of squirrel squirrel is spicy, 258 yuan a piece. Braised pork is also delicious, but there is only one egg [covering face] can not put a few more... There is a layer of dried roasted yam under the braised pork. The first time I ate it, it was not bad, it was delicious. There are many customers, dinner is open at 5 o'clock, and many people sit in the store at 4:30 and wait for dinner. But the speed of turning the countertop is very fast, so even if the queue is not long.

    Posted: Nov 20, 2023
  • 行走的旅途
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    Songhelou is an old store with a history of 200 years. Su-style noodle soup inherits the production process of Suzhou traditional cuisine. A bowl of noodles seems simple but not ordinary. Red soup and white soup have their own characteristics, and the soup heads are quite delicious. There are many kinds of toppings, burdock, paste, crab noodles, stew and shrimp, etc., the fish is the best to eat, the sweet taste is a bit like the smoked fish in Daoxiang Village. Next time you try three shrimp noodles, this is a seasonal limit.

    Posted: Dec 31, 2021
  • CD云上
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    I went to see the box in advance because it was late and there was no room by the window. The old-fashioned Su Bang cuisine, the taste is still guaranteed, the dishes of the set meal are still very good, the signature dishes are included, the squirrel squid, still yyds, the innovative dishes are not matched, we bring our own drinks, the store sent drinks! Everyone eats it and feels very good!

    Posted: Sep 14, 2021
  • 雪夜琉璃子
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    #May 1st Travel Any Door I finally came to Songhe Tower on the other side of any door ✅✅ Chinese time-honored brand ✅✅ Chinese famous snacks, national special restaurant ✅✅ Subang cuisine chef cradle ✅✅ Signature squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel squir Take the meaning of Songhe's long-term, it is the heart of Qianlong that year, every time you go to Jiangnan, you must punch in. It has a history of more than 250 years. It is the oldest and oldest brand in Suzhou. Recommended dishes: 1️⃣ Squirrel Mandarin Fish: Town store signboard, good color, fragrance and shape 💯💯 2️⃣ leek silver fish stew: Silver fish is fresh and fragrant, leeks are tender and slippery ~ 3️⃣ crab powder hoof: crab is rich in aroma, hoof tendon soft ~ 4️⃣ Yipin Jiangnan: rich in ingredients, mellow and mellow ~♻️♻️ After punching in the two Songhe Towers, I personally recommend Shantang Street Store, regardless of the environment, service or dishes, All are antique and ancient styles, perfect 👍👍👍⛩️⛩️ Address: No. 198 Shantang Street, Gusu District, Suzhou #Local food to eat #Romantic dating restaurant #Traveled home

    Posted: May 2, 2024
  • 酱骨头旅行

    七里山塘有唐代白居易任苏州刺史期间,疏浚苏州城河道开挖成山塘河,围河道修建古街被称为山塘街。山塘街东起闻门西至虎丘,全场3600米约七里,则被称为七里山塘。山塘街非常具有苏州特色典型的小桥流水人家,置身其间仿佛人在画中游1 山塘浮生集原是山塘街内有着近500年历史的"玉涵堂",经多乐士和多位新锐设计师改造而成,整体改造面积超过1000平方米,可以在这里喝下午茶、听昆曲、观设计、赏园林。比起我上次来这附近,体验已经完全不同,会是很适合体验打卡、感受文化的好去处。2 下午茶一层古色古香的文艺厅堂可以喝咖啡,装修风格很有江南气息,以白墙木门石板路为主,采用多种质感艺术漆,保留古宅的复古韵味,还带来了眼前一亮的新意,为古宅带来了旺盛的生命力,推开木门就是苏州园林风光。3 听昆曲在山塘浮生集可以体验到昆曲与评弹的魅力,近期演出是《浮生六记》小酌版和《牡丹亭.游园》,一个房间大概20个左右的观众,小而精致,昆曲演员在近在咫尺的地方演出,文化冲击更加直观,相对应的字幕会投影在多乐士"烟灰珍珠"天鹅绒质感的墙面上,颇有层次感,环境色彩与演出巧妙融合,让观众的视觉体验更为丰富。4逛园林苏州的园林很多,在这就能浅尝园林魅力,亭台楼阁、绿草庭院,木门白墙,此时苏州就成了姑苏。而白墙上的多乐士浮雕质感漆,古韵油然而生,仿佛让时间在这里停住。5 山塘街古戏台古色古香,逢双休节假日会有文艺演出游船:来山塘街一定要坐船,江南的风韵尽在河道两岸,大游船25元每人,摇橹船60元每人。!!山塘街的美食极多,松鹤楼的松鼠鳜鱼、豆腐、大阿二生煎、绿杨馄炖店的鸡丝馄炖、黄天源的猪油年糕等等。逛山塘街,会发现几乎人手一杯竹筒奶茶,最近感觉特别火,人气较旺的是茶色烟雨和诗情化忆这两家,每次路过都排好长的队。白天夜晚的山塘街都很吵,如果喜欢安静不建议住这里,但如果喜欢热闹,花间堂、书香府邸等可以考虑。地址:七里山塘景区﹣苏州市姑苏区山塘街177号门票:免费交通: 最近地铁站2号线石路站最佳游览时间:下午五点至晚上八点,最好下午来,一直待到晚上,山塘街的晚霞极美,夜色更是迷人。#玩转户外 #周末去哪儿 #休闲好去处 #值得去的古镇古村 #当地才能吃到的美食

    Posted: Apr 18, 2024
  • 老马酷游玩
    Original Text

    Shantang Street is located in Suzhou Sugu District, Suzhou City, northwest of the ancient city of Suzhou. It was built in 825 AD and has a history of nearly 1200 years. It is a national AAAA-level scenic spot and a famous historical and cultural street in China. Shantang Scenic Area is rich in humanistic landscape and natural landscape, and Wudi has a strong cultural atmosphere. It is known as the "miniature of old Suzhou and the window of Wu culture". Today, we came here to walk slowly and feel the Jiangnan style of Santang Street for thousands of years. Follow Shantang Street from east to west. From the mascot "Meiren Beaver" and "Tonggui Beaver" under the Shantang Bridge... to various gourmet shops and various specialty shops and handicraft shops, along the way, special snacks such as raw fried buns, crab yellow soup buns, plum cakes, let your taste buds get great satisfaction. Two or three unique souvenirs and gifts, bring a set of silk costumes, enough to satisfy your desire. Finally, you can have a local meal in Songhe Tower. Shantang Street, a street full of historical charm and cultural heritage, is really a place to linger. Shantang Street

    Posted: Mar 10, 2024
  • 德玛西欧咸鱼
    Original Text

    🍲 15 must-eat foods in Suzhou: 1. Suzhou sauce duck: one of Suzhou's traditional famous dishes, made of duck, soy sauce, sugar and other ingredients, fresh and tender. 2. Suzhou fried rice: fried with rice, shrimp, shredded pork and other ingredients, delicious. 3. Suzhou Lion Head: Lion Head is one of Suzhou's traditional famous dishes, made of pork, shrimp, onion and ginger and other ingredients, taste fresh and tender. 4. Suzhou sweet and sour ribs: Suzhou sweet and sour ribs is one of Suzhou's traditional famous dishes, made of ribs, vinegar, sugar and other ingredients, taste sweet and sour. 5. Squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel is one of the traditional famous dishes in Suzhou, made of squirrel, sugar, vinegar and other ingredients, and tastes fresh and tender. 6. Suzhou tofu flower: tofu flower is one of Suzhou's specialty snacks, made of tofu, soy milk and other ingredients, tastes delicate. 7. Qingtuanzi: Qingtuanzi is one of the traditional snacks in Suzhou, made of glutinous rice noodles, bean paste and other ingredients, soft taste. 8. Suzhou fried buns: fried buns are one of Suzhou's specialty snacks, made of flour, pork and other ingredients, fresh and juicy. 9. Suzhou moon cake: Suzhou moon cake made of flour, bean paste and other ingredients, crispy taste. 10. Suzhou fried shrimp: fried shrimp is one of Suzhou's special snacks, fried shrimp, onion and ginger ingredients, delicious taste. 11. Crab yellow bag: Crab yellow bag is one of the specialty snacks in Suzhou, made of crab yellow, pork and other ingredients, delicious and juicy. 12. Crab powder tofu: Crab powder tofu is one of the traditional famous dishes in Suzhou, made of tofu, crab powder and other ingredients, delicious. 13. Crab shell yellow: crab shell yellow is one of the specialty snacks in Suzhou, made of flour, pork and other ingredients, crispy taste. 14. Yangchun noodles: Yangchun noodles is one of the traditional famous dishes in Suzhou, made of noodles, onion and ginger, and the taste is light. 15. Suzhou dumplings: made from glutinous rice noodles, sesame and other ingredients, soft and sweet. 👍🏻 10 delicious restaurants in Suzhou recommend: 1. Songhelou: Songhelou is an old-fashioned restaurant, mainly operating Subang cuisine, signature dishes include squirrel squid, squirrel squid, squirrel squid, squirrel squid, squirrel squid, etc. 2. Deyuelou: Deyuelou is also a Subang restaurant, the signature dishes are fried river shrimp, mother oil boat duck, etc. 3. Wumen family: Wumen family is a Subang restaurant, mainly operates Suzhou traditional dishes, the signature dishes have sound oil paste, Biluo shrimp and so on. 4. Concorde Restaurant: Concorde Restaurant is a Subang restaurant, with signature dishes such as squirrel squid, fried shrimp and so on. 5. Lao Zhengxing: Lao Zhengxing is an old-fashioned restaurant, mainly operating Subang cuisine and Shanghai cuisine, signature dishes have squeaky oil paste, crab powder tofu, etc. 6. Zhu Hongxing: Zhu Hongxing is an old-fashioned noodle restaurant, mainly operates a variety of Soviet noodles and snacks, signature dishes include stewed meat noodles, explosive noodles and so on. 7. Yuxingji: Yuxingji is an old-fashioned noodle restaurant, mainly operates a variety of Soviet noodles and snacks, signature dishes include three shrimp noodles, Fengzhen meat noodles and so on. 8. Peach Blossom Yuanji: Peach Blossom Yuanji is a Su Bang restaurant, mainly operates Suzhou traditional dishes, signature dishes have sauce square, drunk crab and so on. 9. Tongdexing: Tongdexing is an old-fashioned noodle restaurant, mainly operates a variety of Soviet noodles and snacks, signature dishes include Fengzhen meat noodles, red noodle soup noodles and so on. 10. Dumb fried: Dumb fried is an old-fashioned snack bar, mainly operating raw fried buns, signature dishes include dumb fried, beef vermicelli soup, etc. #Local specialty snacks #Yangzhou cuisine #Food Xunweihui #Local food that can be eaten #Taste a taste of authentic old-fashioned

    Posted: Feb 21, 2024
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