
Central Cafe and Restaurant 1887 Review

4.9 /513 Reviews

Central Cafe and Restaurant 1887

Posted: May 4, 2021
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  • 孟繁琳
    Original Text

    Central coffee shops from 1887 to the present, do not know how taste before, but now regardless of the environment, the service is impeccable. The price of coffee is much lower than Starbucks, but the quality is incomparable to Star Dad. Order an opera house with a cup of coffee, the sweetness of chocolate, the bitterness of coffee, the combination of tiredness, really satisfying. If you come to Budapest, please don't miss it. ., Close the comments,..

    Posted: Nov 29, 2017
  • 哥是乡下仔
    Original Text

    My wife and I had breakfast earlier in the day and then rowed on the Danube and we were all shattered. We both didn't want another meal but both said we could have a cake and drink. The cafe is the closest and is open. It was divided into a restaurant area, a desert and a beverage area. It was about 9.15pm welcoming us and they were happy to give us only drinks and desert. There was a very elegant feeling inside with the pianist playing and a very nice atmosphere. There are all kinds of drinks and all kinds of deserts. If you choose, you can go to the counter to check. I ordered a Dobos as had read this was a traditional Hungarian cake and I had a coffee with honey and cinnamon both were delicious. My wife has a cup of Pinot Grigio and another cake. The waiter was very thoughtful but we weren't rushing at all, it was a lovely relaxing time. Bill is £14, including 13% of the quality of service and service in the capital a very good service. We hope our discovery is in front of a hole. Still will go back the next day our last day.

    Posted: Oct 12, 2017
  • 吴汉宁
    Original Text

    The environment is very good, the service is very slow and patiently wait. The amount of roast vegetables is small, the variety is single, [flavor] is OK

    Posted: Aug 3, 2022
  • 欧洲旅游专家官方星球号

    “温泉之国”尽享冬日温暖,黑维兹 Hévíz⛺有着“温泉之国”美誉的匈牙利,药泉浴和温泉浴的历史已经有200多年,古罗马人在这里兴盛了洗浴文化,至今仍在使用。温泉遍布匈牙利全国各地,不过,醉有M的当属黑维兹的温泉小镇。黑维兹位于匈牙利西部,距离首都布达佩斯仅有约200公里,匈牙利醉受欢迎的城镇之一。已静静流淌上万年的湖水深达38米,湖面面积为4.4公顷,与周围50公顷的森林一起列为自然保护区。黑维兹温泉中心因湖而生,环湖而建,设置接待更淋、文化展示、盐洞穴、泥浆池、健身房、餐厅、健康与水疗中心等功能。考古学家曾经在这里发掘出罗马时期的祭祀zhi疗徽章,传说后来的罗马皇帝狄奥多西一世就是在这里治好了他的小儿麻痹症。来到黑维兹,游客可以在世界上醉大的生物活性天然温泉湖中畅泳。温泉湖水的温度,夏季保持在33-36摄氏度,冬季保持在23-25摄氏度,四季皆可浸泡。湖水源于38米深的洞穴,其高容量使湖水在每72小时循环一次。温泉湖周边开了许多疗养性质的温泉酒店,酒店会把黑维兹湖的温泉引入酒店的池子,让客人体验更好环境下感受温泉Spa。 🛬沉浸在百年咖啡馆,布达佩斯 Budapest古老咖啡馆流露出的传承态度,那些zhu名咖啡馆中的每个角落,都曾有故事发生。点一杯咖啡,或一款甜品,细品出沉淀数百年的动人情怀和精致文化…🧡布达佩斯纽约咖啡馆 New York Cafe世界上有三大咖啡馆,其中之一就是布达佩斯纽约咖啡馆,它位于布达佩斯市区的di七区。这座咖啡馆在第er次世界大战期间被部分摧毁,战后被匈牙利政府“国有化”。2006年重新开业,它的昔日荣光得以重现。这座咖啡馆内里也是极尽奢华,整个装修风格是洛可可风格的,很是华丽复古。走进大门,你可以看到到处都是奢华闪耀的水晶灯垂在天花板上,周围的栏杆、柱子上面的雕刻都是非常精美的艺术品,还有就是复杂多样的壁画和装饰,被誉为“世界醉美的咖啡馆”实至名归。来到纽约咖啡馆,有许多推荐菜都值得尝试:匈牙利牛肉汤、鱼汤、帕皮卡风味鸡腿、维也纳炸牛排、烤鹅肝,可搭配匈牙利多层蛋糕、萨赫蛋糕、艾斯特海吉鲜奶油蛋糕等。菜单则是用匈牙利语和英语写成的双语菜单,为客人提供了莫大的方便。🧡中央咖啡厅 Centrál Kávéház这里是布达佩斯醉具怀旧氛围的咖啡馆之一,曾经24小时全天候开放,无数文坛ming流、学者、艺术家和科学家都是这里的常客。如今,他们的肖像挂满了咖啡馆的墙壁。两次世界大战,数次政权的更迭,都无法摧毁这家百年老店的文艺气质,反而使其历久弥新。内部空间宽敞气派,文艺气息浓郁,并不过分装饰迎合大众的喜好,美得恰到好处。咖啡馆有各种各样的特色食品和饮料,还拥有大量醉好的香槟酒。

    Posted: Nov 16, 2023
  • 为爱痴狂qq
    Original Text

    I didn't expect the coffee in the niche attractions to be still so mellow

    Posted: Dec 26, 2021
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