Beiwu Park
Beiwu Park
Beiwu Park

Photos of Beiwu Park

Beiwu Park is located at the foot of Yuquan Mountain in Beijing. It was originally a natural village at the junction of urban and rural areas in Beijing, and was later converted into a park. The park and the surrounding Summer Palace and Yuquan Mountain complement each other and complement each other. The overall style highlights the historical and cultural heritage and has a modern atmosphere. The park covers an area of 711 acres and is divided into East Park and West Park. The East Garden borrows the scenery of the Summer Palace and Yuquan Mountain, and includes four major scenic spots. The most famous one is the Minister Forest, which covers an area of 290 acres; the West Garden is located on the north side of Beiwu Jiayuan. Leisure, entertainment, organizing holiday celebrations, etc. Climbing up the hillside of the park, you will suddenly see a clear view of the lake. You can see the calm lake below the mountain, and the green mountains and trees are reflected in it, which is particularly beautiful and refreshing. From the observation deck, you can not only see Yuquan Mountain next to it, but also the Buddha Incense Pavilion in the Summer Palace when the weather is good. In addition, it is also at the foot of Fragrant Hills, a place to enjoy autumn with a huge number of people, not to be missed.

Reviews on Beiwu Park

去北坞公园看定光宝塔—— 北京是六朝古都,自金中都时期开始,北京正式开始作为一国都城的历史(之前燕国时属于诸侯国都城,辽国时属于陪都),也是从金朝开始,北京城西郊就开始被皇室辟为皇家园林,延续至元明清三代,不断营建园林与宫苑,到清朝时更是兴修了规模宏大的“三山五园”,使以游猎为主要用途的老牌皇家园囿南苑都渐渐荒废下去,皇家越来越钟爱以游览享乐为主要用途的三山五园,不但在数百年间不断耗费巨大的国力,而且使勇武的精神和体格都消磨殆尽,这恐怕也是中国在近代遭受耻辱的原因之一吧!其实西郊不光有三山五园,在其周边还有很多“园外园”,近十年来各种公园的复建和新辟越来越充分到位,建成了为数众多的“园外园”,比如中坞公园、北坞公园、两山公园、影湖楼公园、玉东郊野公园等等等等。这些园外园虽然名气不如三山五园,但自然风光、人文历史和文化背景同样十分出色,而且三山五园中的有些风景更是需要在园外园中才能更好地观赏,就比如并不对外开放的玉泉山和山上的定光塔,反而到山脚下的北坞公园去看才是最好的视角。 连下几天暴雨,昨天终于出了太阳,而今天早上的云非常出彩,面积大且形态多变,刚刚看还是鱼鳞状,才过一会儿又变成了海浪形,并且还遮住了强烈的阳光,虽然湿热的空气仍然聚集着难以散去,但是偶尔吹来的凉风也让体感好受了许多。来北坞公园自驾车、地铁、公交车都方便,开车的话走北门,对面就是颐和园西门的停车场,那个停车场超大的;坐地铁可以十号线换西郊线,西郊线颐和园西门站下车过马路几十米就是公园北门,而且西郊线最好的拍照取景点就在这里;北门外还有公交车站,总之怎么都方便。进北门,经过“部长林”,前面就是湖边的木栈道和接连的廊亭,在亭子里正好观赏对面玉泉山上的定光塔,这座定光塔又叫玉峰塔,在玉泉山主峰上的香积寺里,塔顶距地面150米,是北京地理位置上最高的一座塔,而在北坞公园里有很多地点都可以从不同方向远眺定光塔,应该说是观赏这座玉泉山塔最佳的地点了。现在正是芦苇丰茂、荷叶成片的时候,雨后鱼群不时浮出水面换气,离岸不远处还有小鸭在游动,湖里十分热闹。湖边向前不远处,出现了一片古建,有关帝庙和金山寺,金山寺还是北坞村史馆所在地,只是周六日休息不开放,寺前一只橘猫在游客面前睡得极踏实。金山寺后有一片稻田,那就是大名鼎鼎的“京西稻”,相传乾隆下江南时带回的“紫金箍”稻种试种所得。

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