Best Restaurants in June in Yulin (Updated 2024)

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€7Northwest China Cuisine
23hhbj韩#Local food to eat In a restaurant with a strong local popularity, the main thing is to fight Sanxian. The locals proudly call it Yulin Buddha jumping the wall [smiling] [Mint] Environment: The decoration has some design sense, both rough and modern in northern Shaanxi [smug] [service bell] Service: The main thing is that it is a real one. When ordering, the waiter will recommend the appropriate amount of dishes according to the number, age and gender of the diners. The evaluation of their own dishes is also sharp [laughing] such as ☞ This dish is unpalatable, and no one orders it. . . Why do you order this, it is too expensive and not affordable. . . This kind of tiger and wolf words are endless in the ears [covering face] Pin Sanxian can be ordered according to the large, medium and small portions, and the small portions are enough for two people. After all, there are other dishes. The main ingredients are pork, lamb, chicken three meats (no wonder called three fresh), ingredients have fungus, yellow flowers, powder skin, spinach, fried potatoes, etc. Used to roast (boiled pork), fried (fried balls, fried potatoes), boiled (cooked lamb, boiled chicken), steamed (steamed balls), stewed (steamed balls), and other processes, multi-layered taste, salty soup bottom, delicious [strong] worthy of the name of Buddha jumping off the wall [laughs and tears] There are two kinds of steamed dumplings, you can have half a serving, half a serving of five, The mutton radish stuffing is the mutton radish stuffing. The radish is the kind of yellow radish in Xinjiang. I don’t know if this crop is also in the local area of Yulin. [Smug] The vegetarian egg is soft stuffing, full of eggs [laughing] The next is the elbow stewed tofu, a more unique combination, But the taste can only be said to be quite satisfactory; the roast chicken is full of selling, the portion is hard core, but the taste is really average [snap] This Pin Sanxian is very good, affordable and delicious, the overall price is good, but other dishes taste not too much expectations [smiling]