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53Cape7 Coffee&Bar

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RUB1036Coffee Shop
嵊泗旅游官方星球号Grab the tail of summer, come to the island to experience a slow life ❗ Watch the sea view in Shengsi, play, and enjoy Shengsi. In addition to watching the sea, there are some net red punch points. You can also surprise your holiday this period, take you to punch in the fashionable coffee shop ☕ Surprise your holiday ~ 1️⃣ A few quiet cafes a pool shop ✅ Jingcafe Yichi store is a new coffee shop opened on Sijiao Island this year, hiding behind the golden sea of rapeseed flowers in Huangsha Village. This is already the third of several quiet coffee shops. A pool shop with a sea of flowers is more romantic. It is a new photo spot. A few small white houses are set against the flowers and the sea. There is a lightness of empty mountains and valleys. Sitting in the small courtyard in front of the coffee house, it is very suitable for taking pictures and punching in 📸, and you can swipe your circle of friends with one of them. 📍 Address: Next to the rapeseed sea in Huangsha Village, Wulong Township~2️⃣CAPE7 BAR✅CAPE7 Coffee, it was transformed with a container, the mountains and seas shining on the day, and there was some gentle feeling. Waiting for the night lights to be bright, the surrounding is hidden in ink, this small drink shop is a bit of cyberpunk technology, visual impact effect first-class. ✅ All kinds of food and drinks are selected by you. Summer nights are especially lively. The beautiful little brothers and sisters are a beautiful thing in summer~📍 Address: East side of Jinwan Nannong, Gaochang Village, Caiyuan Town~3️⃣ Fishing Coffee ✅ Fishing Coffee is a more fishy coffee shop in Shengsi. Although there are mountains and wild breezes, sunsets and the sea, and the coffee is strong, it still has the simplicity and vitality of Shengsi fishermen. ✅ This fishing point of coffee can be described as bringing a touch of excitement to tranquility. From time to time, there are young people gathering in it, drinking coffee, tasting snacks, and very comfortable 📍 Address: No. 1, Zuo'an Highway, Wulong Township ~ 4️⃣ Xiangye • Shicun Chuan said that Lost cafe ✅ Xiangye • Shicun Chuan said that it is a homestay, but does it still hide a Lost cafe? Just on the second floor of the hotel! On the second floor, while drinking coffee, while admiring the mountains and sea in the distance, there are lighthouses and pearl clouds nearby, what a beautiful picture. 📍 Address: No. 28, Sports Field Road, Shiyu Village, Huanglong Township, ~ 5️⃣ Muyu Restaurant ✅ Muyu Restaurant Gate is facing the romantic tavern of Dawang Beach. The blue sparkle is seen from the gate on the day, and the gentle wind chases the white clouds. At this time, ordering a cup of coffee is the most suitable scene. ✅ After nightfall, when neon is reflecting on the star river on the sea, walk into the tavern 🥂, listen to the folk song and order a glass of wine, a glass of toast for the rest of your life, comfortable, this is also a place where many young people punch in. 📍 Address: Yuguang Lane, Wonderful Village, Gouqi Township, 38-3 💛 A cup of island coffee, enjoy a leisurely afternoon. Or date in Shengsi Cafe and enjoy the romance of the island. Find a time to punch in and experience the leisure and slow life of Shengsi.