Best Restaurants in June in Jiaxiang (Updated 2024)

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2 Reviews
耶律七哥Daoxiang Village, as a national chain store, is very large. He should be a specialty of Beijing. I remember that when I went to Beijing last time, I saw it on the street in Houhai, but the price was quite expensive at that time. Daoxiang Village is the most frequent dessert shop I go to in college. He was near our school when he was in college. It was very convenient to buy things. The consumption level was limited at college, and it still felt quite expensive, and there was no group purchase activity at that time. Now, the store launched some activities, the price is more appropriate, his goods are still relatively complete. The interior design and the placement of goods are very good, that is, in his family's group purchase, there are fewer small dessert activities, all of which are relatively large size cakes. As a comrade who usually loves desserts, I still hope that the store can launch more affordable small desserts. Group purchase, so I will go more frequently. The nephew set a cartoon 10-inch cake for his birthday. I don’t think it’s much bigger than the eight-inch. The taste is also average. The bottom of the cake is still very refreshing. In the future, the cake will be purchased with fruit. There is no fruit cake. It is delicious, but the price is affordable. When I took the cake, I bought some chocolate desserts. I bought not much for 20 yuan. It was still a bit expensive, and his family's things were all ordinary plastic bags. I personally felt a little low. I hope to improve it. I hope to launch some group buying activities in the future, and now the New Year is coming soon, and I hope to launch some new products.