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9Millennium Bar | Restaurant | Pizzeria

2 Reviews
TA用户Gone is the "Millennium Bar" and back is the Brittania Hotel, its in name in concrete relief at the top of the building. This place was one of the last traditional Aussie pubs, with three bars and some accommodation "for travellers" upstairs. Three bars? It's adapted from England and if you look carefully in an old Australian pub you can see still the divisions echoed in the walls or the ceiling. The smallest bar often was called "The Snug" or some such and it was there that unaccompanied ladies could drink quietly, without men bothering them. It was women only. The "public bar" was where most of the (male) customers found themselves. Usually functional in design and fittings, it also was where the cheapest alcohol could be found. By custom, no women allowed in the public bar as the only females found there should be selling, not buying. Think about it. Finally, there was the "Saloon" where a gentleman could take his lady or gentlemen could drink without being disturbed by riffraff! The drinks were the most expensive here and the fittings most lavish. But, throughout the 1970s in Australia, these bars combined into one big room, the last pub in Sydney not admitting women relenting in the 1980s. The Brittania has gone through all those eras plus having been a gay bar, lesbian bar, bikie pub, jazz club and several spectrum points along the way. The "Millennium Bar" was nicely appointed and intended for couples and families. They also offered pizza and alcohol delivery in the neighbourhood. The food was average at best and the alcohol pedestrian. Perhaps some of the latter was due to the Thai place across the lane banning bringing alcohol from outside when they got their own license? The Brittania is back as a quiet, neighbourhood pub with no special character at the moment. There is the usual "pub grub" and the signs advertising alcohol delivery no longer are prominent. What will come next? When the "Millennium Bar" opened, they commissioned a brass plaque on their co