Best Restaurants in June in Nanfen District (Updated 2024)

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2 Reviews
桃子妖妖妖Through thousands of miles of love. From Dalian to Benxi, more than 400 kilometers, I had an appointment with my old friend at night, and I actually made an appointment at Dalian Fishing Port. This fate has arrived, and I can't hide it. Dalian Fishing Port in the development zone has been yellow. I don't know if this one has anything to do with the development zone? Checked it, this store is an old store, opened in Benxi for more than ten years. The location of the store is good. On Guangyu Road, it is very close to the train station and Maple Leaf Business Hotel. It is convenient to drink too much and go back to sleep. It is also a good choice to see you off before the train. There is free parking space at the entrance of the hotel, but this number is still a little worse than the private room, and the meal may not be enough. The decoration is high-end atmosphere, the sense of space and height are enough, the decoration year should be a bit more, slightly old, and the general business banquet is enough. Looking at the menu, the price is not expensive, the 12-person lobster package is only 1600, this price is almost impossible in Dalian. The beer has Longshan Spring, which is a surprise. After all, it is now all over the country, almost all Qingdao and snowflakes. It is really difficult to drink some local wine. We are from Dalian, and we specially told our friends not to order seafood, just order local mountain vegetables and home-cooked dishes in Benxi. The important thing is to get together, not eat anything. My friends are also very powerful. There is no seafood, and all the dishes are home-cooked dishes. The main thing is to drink. The dishes are indeed more homely. If you don’t remember anything else, you can remember that a red potato chip is especially delicious, and there is a mushroom like tea tree mushroom, but it is fresh and delicious; the rest is not remembered, so I patronized for drinking. Benxi's friends were originally enthusiastic, but there would be such a problem when eating in this small and famous local restaurant. I met several waves of toasts back and forth. I drank confusedly before I was blind. This table dish is white. Benxi is very good and will come again.