
Manigangexiang Review

4 /56 Reviews
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Manigange is rich in Mani stone, which is also a place for Tibetan beauty. The scenery along the way, you can't see it. In addition to the unique temples and Tibetan style and horse flags in Tibetan areas, there are also the refreshing blue sky, white clouds, plateaus, meadows, snowy mountains, and mist pine. Especially the blue sky so blue, pure and high, people relaxing.


Posted: Dec 29, 2020
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  • CD云上
    Original Text

    317 Manigango, the name is very magical, this time is the second visit after many years, compared with the last time, really want to feel the magic of the infrastructure crazy, now a clean, tidy art town.

    Posted: Aug 14, 2021
  • 欲飞的鸟
    Original Text

    [Manigango Town] is located in a town more than 90 kilometers east of Dege County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province. Although it is a small town, its reputation is not small, because it is a very important traffic pass northwest of Sichuan, the intersection of National Highway 317 of the Sichuan-Tibet North Line and Provincial Highway 217 of the Sichuan-Qing Line. From here, follow the 317 National Road to the west through Queer Mountain, you can reach Dege and Tibet's Jiangda. Along the way, you can see the snow peaks and great road tunnels on Queer Mountain, the clear and beautiful lake of Yulong Lacuohaizi, and the scriptures and exquisite scriptures collected by Dege Printing Academy. Art; east to Ganzi and the mainland; you can go to the famous Ganzi Temple, visit the "Commander Zhu De and the V Geda Living Buddha Memorial Hall", trace the valuable friendship between the Han and Tibetan peoples in the past years; Continue to the northwest along Provincial Highway 217, you can reach the stone canal and the jade tree in Qinghai, and let your journey extend to the distance... Located at the three forks, the endless border town has become a trading center for local herdsmen, and with its desolate scenery has become the most memorable scenery for Tibetan backpackers.

    Posted: Oct 20, 2020
  • 谁是谁的谁HE

    #我的有爱旅途 石渠可以说是四川最偏远的县城这里没有若尔盖草原那么出名没有稻城亚丁那么山河壮阔但这里的草原湿地未经旅游开发保持着最原始最宁静的状态由于高海拔离云近被誉为天空之城,太阳部落,是很多川西旅游不知道的绝美秘境地址:四川省甘孜藏族自治州石渠县最美风景段:巴颜喀拉山口至马尼干戈镇路段学关于石渠湿地:石渠是四川省面积最大和海拔最高的县,境内境内河流水系呈树枝状或羽状展布,湖泊星罗密布,是长江黄河上游重要的水源涵养地和水土保持的重要区域核心地带。这里大片难得的湿地,也成为了黑颈鹤、棕头鸥、斑头雁等水鸟的栖息地,是中国重要的野生动物保护区。从成都出发,自驾需要整整两天时间才能抵达。漫漫旅程,这沿途上的风景,让人目不暇接。我们将翻越气象万千的折多山已堕落的的“摄影家的天堂”新都桥、菩萨也喜欢的地方-塔公草原,新晋网红打卡点-异域星球”墨石公园走进甘孜县的格萨尔王城,让你的女伴,换上一袭藏装,游走在气势宏大的宫殿建筑之间,漫步在湿地栈桥上,背景就是巍峨的雪山,绝对能拍出大片!如今石渠的路况,好得超乎想象。抵达石渠,先不要激动,需要一个适应高海拔的过程。酒店在客房里配的制氧机,记得一定要用起来哟!1高:石渠县城所在地的海拔是4200米,平均海拔则在4500米左右,高海拔换来的是这里有不一样的人、动物和风景,绝对给你留下深刻的印象!2大:来自度娘的数据,石渠县所辖面积2.5191万平方公里,相当于一个以色列的面积。我们游在石渠,每天早出晚归,每天还不重样,日日都新鲜!3 少:这里人烟稀少,少了城市的喧嚣,多了一份世外空灵。这里路好车少,特别适合带上妹纸们来拍一组公路大片,特别是航拍,漂亮惨了!4多:石渠人少,动物则很多,沿途随处可见野鸭、鸳鸯、野狼、秃鹫、白臀驴,是的,就在路边就能亲眼目睹!是这里也是石刻王国,由玛尼石堆砌,似城墙,似城堡,蔚为壮观!推荐线路:成都-雅安-康定-折多山-塔公-八美-炉09:46笔记详情力公里,相当于一个以色列的面积。我们游仕石渠,每天早出晚归,每天还不重样,日日都新鲜!3 少:这里人烟稀少,少了城市的喧嚣,多了一份世外空灵。这里路好车少,特别适合带上妹纸们来拍一组公路大片,特别是航拍,漂亮惨了!4多:石渠人少,动物则很多,沿途随处可见野鸭、鸳鸯、野狼、秃鹫、白臀驴,是的,就在路边就能亲眼目睹!用这里也是石刻王国,由玛尼石堆砌,似城墙,似城堡,蔚为壮观!推荐线路:成都-雅安-康定-折多山-塔公-八美-炉霍-甘孜-马尼干戈-石渠。出发前,提前查看交通实况,折多山较堵,可以选择走马尔康那条线。高原地区,紫外线很强,一定注意防晒:请戴上墨镜w,擦上防晒霜,穿上冲锋衣!。合食宿问题:沿途以川菜为主,菜价比内地要高,人均消费在50元左右。酒店条件成熟,选择较多,条件稍好的在300元左右,石渠推荐石刻王国酒店、香德尼玛大酒店,房内配有地暖和制氧机。

    Posted: Aug 16, 2022
  • CD云上


    Posted: Oct 13, 2021
  • enjoyzent


    Posted: Sep 15, 2019