
Great King Peak Review

4.4 /5109 Reviews
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Dawangfeng, also known as Shamao Rock and Tianzhu Peak, is located on the west side of the Wannian Palace, and Xiong spans Jiuquxikou. It is the first peak to enter Wuyi Mountain. At 530 meters above sea level, the upper and lower are restrained, the momentum is magnificent, and from a distance, like the Qingtian giant pillar, in Wuyi's 36 peaks, it is known as the "Xianyu King". The peak top of the ancient wood towers, there are Tianjianchi, Toulongdong, Xianheyan, Shengzhenguan ruins. The southern cliff is steep, and only a small hole road on the south wall is available for climbing to the peak. This is a straight up and down crack, only a foot wide, medium-cut stone level, can be picked up and circled. The higher and narrower the crack, the more places the climber needs to shrink his abdomen, hands and feet and use it. There is Zhang Xianyan at the waist of the peak, which is rumored to be the place where Zhang Shu sits in the Han Dynasty. There is Tianjian Pool, and the pool water is extremely clear, although the drought is inexhaustible. The spring on the pool is called "Han Biquan". The pool side is Song Yu Shilin Wenneng. From here, there is a ladder, there is a former site of the real view. From the left of the view, the upper level is the rooftop. More than ten steps up, you will reach the peak of the king.

Great King Peak

Posted: Sep 23, 2022
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  • 郭润龙浪迹天涯
    Original Text

    20230512 All day: 1. "Dawangfeng" is located in the "Wuyi Mountain" of the 5A scenic spot. Wuyi Mountain is a famous tourist resort in the world. It has the double titles of World Natural Cultural Heritage and World Cultural Heritage. It is the location of the famous 6 mother trees of Wuyi Rock Tea. The mountains are full of birds and animals, pheasants and fish, and it is a holy place for health. In terms of humanities, there are many temples and Taoist views since Qin and Han, and there are more than 450 stone carvings in existence. In history, there are Zhu Ying, Xin Qiji, Lu You, Li Shangyin, Xu Xiake, Sazhen Bing and other famous footprints. The core scenic spots developed in Wuyi Mountain are divided into "Tianyou Peak-Jiuquxi (Bamboo Pool)-Wuyi Palace", "Huxiaoyan-First Line Tian", "Dahongpao", and "Water Curtain Cave" 4 essence areas. ① Address: Yingbin Road, Wuyishan City, Nanping City, Fujian Province. ② Transportation: The bus is directly accessible, and the driving is also very good. ③ peak season: There are points in each of the four seasons, see green leaves in spring and summer; see red leaves in autumn; see snow in winter. ④ Time: 2-3 Days. ⑤ Notes: Wuyishan City has introduced a new deal, free tickets (shuttle fares) in 2023, and free public transportation in the city. Regular hours want to free tickets can enter the mountain in the morning, will be regarded as morning exercises citizens. 2. The shuttle bus ticket is divided into 3 types: 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 70, 85, 95 yuan, to play all the best areas, 1 day is too tight, 2 days is just right, 3 days will be very abundant, and can travel all the small landscapes and paths. 3, Dawangfeng is one of the "Wuyi Mountain 36 peaks", shaped like a black gauze hat, so it is also known as "sha hat rock" and "Tianzhu Peak". The mountaineering road is circular, but do not go back. The steep mountaineering road between the mountain seams is very exciting. The elderly and children are cautious. The "Toulong Cave" along the way is a deep and long crack. The Song Dynasty court has invested Yujian in it more than 20 times to pray for blessings. The peak view is wide, and the bird's eye view of the dense forest-wrapped building is refreshing. The signal tower can be climbed.

    Posted: Jun 22, 2023
  • zhangfeifei
    Original Text

    It is the first resort of Wuyi Mountain in Fujian Province. It is located in the north of Jiuqu Xibei after Wuyi Mountain Yinping Peak in the middle of Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area. The center of the scenic spot is408.8 meters above sea level. Tianyou Peak has upper and lower points, and the left of the view pavilion is for the upper sky tour; there are rugged hills below, and the area along the Humayu is for the lower sky tour. The sky tour of the pavilion, near the cliff, high-rise tower, is a great viewing platform.

    Posted: Nov 1, 2022
  • 刘闲人
    Original Text

    Dawangfeng is also known as Shamao Rock and Tianzhu Peak. It is named after the mountain shape of the top-shaped Shama hat and the unique king's Weiyi. It is located on the west side of the Wannian Palace, and it is the first peak to enter Wuyi Mountain.

    Posted: Jul 18, 2022
  • 乖小咪
    Original Text

    Dawangfeng is the most majestic and strange peak in Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area, and his great posture can be seen in most places in Wuyi Mountain. Dawangfeng is very similar to the official rock of Guilin, like the hat on the head of the ancient emperor, so it is named. You will definitely see it when you come to Wuyishan, remember to take pictures to commemorate it.

    Posted: Jul 27, 2021
  • 散香MKII

    大王峰应该属于被旅行团抛弃的景点了,基本只有散客来,网上其他人的游记也很少提到登上大王峰,反倒有些说路比较险走一半下来了的。这些深深勾起了我和我妈的好奇。因为竹筏漂流结束上码头后穿过宋街就到武夷山了,我们就决定第二天在漂流后登山。结果第二天雨好大,只能穿着雨衣上了。大王峰登山入口在万春园旁边,都要从武夷宫进去或者宋街过去,本来是要检票的,估计下雨都没啥人,检票的都跑了。在到达“居高思危”之前都没啥不好走的,就是人烟稀少罢了,上山路植被茂密,雨天湿气大雾气萦绕,爬得有点无聊。不一会就到了大王亭,旁边有一块石碑写的幔亭峰,可是雨太大,本该可以一览山下景色的观景处除了雾还是雾。之后会经过一个分叉路口,左边是下山到止止庵,我们走右边继续上山;然后是第二个分岔路,右边的路平缓,左边的相当有点陡峭了(而且左路只能上,下非常困难);我们选了左路。在到“居安思危”之前,我们一直都在叽歪,这山一点都不陡一点都不险啊,干嘛说的多难爬似的;到了之后,我们被shock了,那是两块巨大岩石之间的狭道,仅供一人通行,纵深不过几米,高度却有好几层楼,为方便上行,修路的人们在不破坏山体的情况下在狭缝中搭三层楼梯,每每走到一层楼梯拐弯处,由于太窄,下一层楼梯的前几步台阶都只修了一半,供一人转身;有的地方太窄,上行时又不好侧身而过,只能趴下,手脚并用从低处较宽的位置过去,即使这样都把我背包蹭破了一点。但是这是我觉得山上最好玩的地方了,山顶雾太大,又没有人,阴森森的,感觉整个山除了我俩没有其他人,我们就赶紧下山了。另一条下山路是沿山壁而修,要是天晴一定能一览美景,可惜就是没有缘,只有雾!下到第一个分岔路口我们选择从止止庵方向走,然后穿过万春园回到了登山口。在山上没有遇到一个别人,有种包场爬山的赶脚- -第二天天晴了。。。大王峰果然还是很美滴。。。

    Posted: Jan 9, 2018
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