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Latest Reviews for Shiping Hotels

Shiping Xiaojia Bieyuan
5/549 Reviews
Really a very comfortable inn. The first floor is the boss and the couple live by themselves, and the two rooms on the second floor are decorated according to the standards of their own home. They are very tasteful and of good quality. It is also very close to the train station and can be reached in ten minutes on foot. The breakfast in the ancient city is also delicious. We also went to Jianshui later, although it was very lively, but we still miss the quiet and simple stone screen. The proprietress is very good. We bring the baby. She will also give the baby some meals suitable for the baby when she eats at home. She is very enthusiastic. Thank you boss family for letting us spend three days and two nights in Shiping. I wish you a happy and healthy family, and the newcomers have been together for a hundred years. 😀
Wande Yuyuan Hotel
4.7/5288 Reviews
Overall, this price matches the hotel, the environment is very good, the service is OK, I asked for two more bottles of water on the first day of stay, and when I stayed the next day, the front desk clerk also took the initiative to tell the big sister who was doing hygiene to ask me to give me two more bottles of water. This is very good, I stayed for another three days. Four days in total, The other bad thing is: The first towel is hard, The second speed is very stuck, Thinking about this price at the first two points, I also felt that it was okay, so I booked another hotel the next day. I thought about the service later. I could live. I didn’t bother to change it. I stayed for three days, but I stayed on the fourth day and checked out. I didn’t feel like I wanted to live anymore. Mainly on the fourth night of the stay, the roof was not soundproof. At 10 o'clock in the evening, it seemed that someone was staying on the roof. The sound of walking and bathing could be heard. There was really no way. Change the family. And the service of the male waiter at the front desk should really be strengthened. When I went to continue my stay, I came to pick up my room card with something greasy in my hand. I couldn't bear to hand it to him. Finally, I bought some stone tofu and fried fish the day after I checked in. Then I took it and asked the front desk clerk to help me freeze it. The waiter also promised to help me freeze it. When I checked out, I went to get it. It was room temperature. And the outer packaging bag has no water at all, and told me that the tofu will become stinky when it is iced. I am also drunk. She thinks that people like me can't afford the refrigerator. Have you never used the refrigerator? The tofu will become stinky after two days of ice. The key is to take out the things from the refrigerator. Ice feeling is not there, I guess I have never seen and used the refrigerator such high-end goods, after going out, the backhand was lost by me, I think I can not do it, do not agree. The service and external environment at the beginning are not low, three points are almost the same, if you stay for one night, it may be OK, and it is not recommended to live in the future.
Shiping Tian Yuan Hotel
4.6/555 Reviews
10 minutes walk west of the ancient city, pass a commercial plaza in the direction of the ancient city, there is a large supermarket, Ximen Farmers Market is also on this street, clean hall, various locals eat vegetables, meat and fruit specialties, is a good place to buy specialties to understand the life of the locals; The parking lot behind the hotel is large, the room is spacious, and the shower water is large, suitable for tourist accommodation here.
Shipingpingyuan Old Residence Homestay
4.8/57 Reviews
從老宅回來一段時間了,又回到了每天忙忙碌碌的生活中。儘管如此忙碌心裏卻一直想着給老宅寫點什麼。 這是我第三次來到石屏古城,因着嫂子老家的緣故知道並愛上了這座古城。每當疲憊於城市的喧鬧,想尋一片寧靜之地,讓心靈得以棲息時,就會想來這座靜謐的古城體驗一段時間的慢生活。在雲南的懷抱裏,石屏古城如一幅淡雅的水墨,靜靜地鋪展。而隱藏在古城裡的民宿,便是這水墨中最為生動的幾筆,細膩地勾勒出古城的風情與韻味。所以這次來我們依然選擇了民宿客棧。因為它們不同於現代酒店的冰冷和標準化,而是承載着豐富的文化內涵,有着家的温馨與舒適,這就是老宅。 老宅,是由古老的宅院改造而成,每一磚一瓦都透露着歲月的痕跡。這座宅院,曾是顯赫一時的將軍之家,而今被新主人賦予了新的生命,成為我們探尋古城文化、體驗慢生活的絕佳去處。走進老宅,首先映入眼簾的是那青瓦白牆。青瓦覆頂,古樸而莊重,彷彿歷史的守護者,靜靜地訴説著歲月的滄桑。陽光灑落,青瓦間閃爍着金色的光芒,宛如點點繁星,為老宅增添了幾分神祕與雅緻。白牆如雪,純凈而温潤。牆上偶爾爬過幾枝藤蔓,綠葉與白花交織,為老宅增添了幾分生機與活力。木質門窗,雕花精細,每一刀每一劃都透露着匠人的心血與智慧。窗欞間透過的陽光,斑駁陸離,為室內增添了幾分温馨與浪漫。庭院深深,蘭花吐艷,在微風中搖曳生姿,彷彿在歡迎着我們的到來。我們彷彿置身於一個遠離塵囂的世外桃源。 白天,孩子們在院子裏追逐嬉戲,還可以跑到二樓圖書館讀書沉思。夜晚,當月光灑滿整個古城,我們坐在老宅的院子裏,仰望星空,聆聽蟲鳴,讓心靈在寧靜中得到徹底的釋放。 最妙的是老宅的主人啊。男主人熱情好客,有趣且有理想,看到我們如此喜歡古城,還給我們引薦了石屏縣文物管理所的朱曉燕老師,朱老師帶我們探訪石屏的玉屏書院、文廟、老州衙等歷史文化遺址,感受古城的韻味與歷史。每到夜晚,男主人就邀請我們到茶室品茶,一杯清茶,幾盤小吃,迎接每一位遠道而來的客人。在這裏,你可以放下所有的防備與疲憊,與主人暢談古今,分享彼此的感受和故事,聽他講述石屏的往事與美麗傳説。而女主人呢,做得一手好菜。每天早餐都是孩子們最盼望的時刻,土雞米線,五顏六色的米糕,各種小點和自己熬製的醬料,以及肚子不舒服時一晚熱氣騰騰的土紅糖煮雞蛋,這種美味和温暖衹有這裏才能有吧!老宅,是時光裏的温柔鄉,這一次的入住,是一次心靈的洗禮,一次與歷史的對話。當我們離開時,帶走的不僅是美好的回憶,更是對石屏這座古城深深的眷戀與不捨。一首小詩,贈予老宅,期待下次再見! 青瓦覆檐映日輝,白牆靜立訴古微。 石屏古城藏幽夢,老宅雅居映心扉。 木質門窗雕花細,歲月沉香繞指飛。 庭院深深藏綠意,桂香蘭韻伴風歸。 夜幕降臨燈如豆,繁星點點映窗扉。 品茶賞月聽風語,揮毫潑墨寫春暉。 主人熱情如春暖,笑語盈盈待客歸!
Deyuan Hotel
4.7/540 Reviews
Longyun Yangshenggu Villa
4.7/544 Reviews
The scenery in the health valley is beautiful, the forest is fragrant, the hot spring is squatting, All make people feel refreshed, the wooden house design is unique, the room is clean and tidy, the equipment is complete, the decoration style is simple and atmospheric, the living is very warm, like one!

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Property Information for Tourists

Total Properties32
Number of Reviews3,133
Highest PriceS$ 348
Lowest PriceS$ 11
Average Price (Weekdays)S$ 65
Average Price (Weekends)S$ 66