Lunchbox Moments (Boston) | Pao Arts Center

Lunchbox Moments (Boston) | Pao Arts Center

Oct 27, 2023 (UTC-5)
Pao Arts Center


Join the Lunchbox Moments exhibition at the Pao Arts Center in Boston on October 27, 2023. This event is a celebration of Asian American culture and aims to empower the AAPI community by sharing their stories. Renowned artist Amie Bantz, a New England-raised, Baltimore-born artist currently based in Pennsylvania, has created an immersive experience called Lunchbox Moments: Seek Understanding. Share Stories. Stop Hate. Bantz collects narratives from members of the AAPI community and transcribes them onto spray-painted lunch boxes, showcasing the formative occurrences in many Asian American kids' lives. These lunchbox moments, where a traditional Asian meal is eaten at school and peers in the lunchroom react, provide a unique perspective on identity and culture. Bantz's work delves into the duality of her own existence as a mixed woman in America, drawing from her Korean-American upbringing. Through familiar imagery and nostalgia, she tells a complex, layered story. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with thought-provoking art and gain a deeper understanding of the Asian American experience. Admission to the exhibition is free, making it accessible to all. Join us at the Pao Arts Center to share in the delicious food, laughter, and unforgettable memories of Lunchbox Moments.

Provided by Issachar|Published Sep 21, 2023


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