Adam Smyth 'The Book Makers' with Abigail Williams | Blackwell's Bookshop

Adam Smyth 'The Book Makers' with Abigail Williams | Blackwell's Bookshop

Jul 16, 2024 (UTC+0)
Blackwell's Bookshop


Delve into the captivating world of book-making with Adam Smyth's enlightening event, "The Book Makers," featuring Abigail Williams. This extraordinary narrative unfolds through the fascinating lives of 18 individuals who revolutionized the printed book industry, showcasing their skills, creativity, and influence. From Benjamin Franklin, a prominent printer and Founding Father, to Thomas Cobden-Sanderson, a master of crafting books transcending centuries, each story is a blend of triumphs, mishaps, and ingenuity. Unveil forgotten figures like Sarah Eaves, instrumental in shaping typography history, and Charles Edward Mudie, a pivotal figure in publishing. Witness the meticulous work of William Wildgoose, who disappeared mysteriously after binding Shakespeare's First Folio. "The Book Makers" immerses you in the vibrant world of print-shops, from historic Fleet Street to modern-day New York, offering a compelling narrative of the book-making process filled with unexpected twists and achievements. Adam Smyth, a distinguished Professor of English Literature and the History of the Book, and Abigail Williams, an esteemed scholar focusing on eighteenth-century literature and book history, bring their expertise to this event. Join us at Blackwell's Bookshop in Oxford on July 16, 2024, for an enriching experience. Tickets are available for £5.

Provided by Helmet|Published Jun 28, 2024


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