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Great places to go near Panda Valley in June (updated 2024)

Things to do near Panda Valley

1. Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding

What travelers say:
行万里路_123: "It was a very worthwhile experience. Miss Sister used the shortest path to experience all the classic content, help me quickly find the panda, help me take pictures, and help me get things, which is much more reliable than the breaking strategy on a sweet potato."
Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding
Opening hours: Open today at 07:30-17:00
Price: From EUR7
Distance: 58.49km
Recommended sightseeing time:3-5 hours
Address: No. 1375, North Panda Avenue, Chenghua District, Chengdu

2. Dujiangyan Scenic Area

What travelers say:
WAI SING: "The Dujiangyan is an ancient irrigation system in Dujiangyan city,Sichuan,China. It is originally constructed around 256 BC by the state of Qin as an irrigation & flood control project ,still in use today. The system’s infrastructure develops on the Min river ,the longest tributary of the Yantze."
Dujiangyan Scenic Area
Opening hours: Open today at 08:00-18:00(Admission ends at 17:30)
Price: From EUR10
Distance: 4.84km
Recommended sightseeing time:0.5-1 day
Address: Park Road, Dujiangyan City, Chengdu

3. Wuhou Shrine

What travelers say:
Gigiegg: "This ancient temple complex, dedicated to the famous statesman Zhuge Liang and the heroes of the Three Kingdoms period, is steeped in rich cultural heritage. The beautifully preserved architecture, serene gardens, and intricate carvings transported me back in time. Strolling through the peaceful pathways, I admired the historical relics and learned about the stories and legends of the Three Kingdoms."
Wuhou Shrine
Opening hours: Open today at 09:00-19:00(Admission ends at 18:00)
Price: From EUR25
Distance: 56.04km
Recommended sightseeing time:2-3 hours
Address: No. 231 Wuhouyu Street, Wuhou District, Chengdu

4. Sanxingdui Archaeological Museum

What travelers say:
Anonymous User: "Samsung Dui has been swiping videos on the Internet for a long time. This time I finally had the opportunity to visit the field. The first feeling is really shocking. All kinds of unprecedented bronze masks feel like aliens. Especially the last bronze god tree is so spectacular!"
Sanxingdui Archaeological Museum
Opening hours: Open today at 08:30-18:00
Price: From EUR10
Distance: 60.01km
Recommended sightseeing time:2-5 hours
Address: Zhenwu Village, Nanxing Town, Guanghan District, Deyang City

Restaurants near Panda Valley

1. 有鹽味·特色排骨湯鍋(萬達旗艦店)

What travelers say:
Mr.Q👈🏻: "I took the whole family to Dujiangyan on the weekend to drag my family. I really don’t want to eat those heavy tastes. This tomato pot is a surprise. ✅ Tomato Corn Braised Pot looks mediocre. I didn’t expect this soup to be so delicious. The old Wang’s naturally mature tomatoes are the kind of hour. Some taste fresh tomatoes, corn, ribs are slow to boil, to ensure that there is no added quality, strong tomato flavor, suitable for the elderly and children -✅ The soup pot under the fennel duck palm, the dry pot on it is a perfect combination of soft duck palm, one simmer, The spicy taste is delicious and can't stop, super delicious -✅ stick bone old braised stick bone, big and fragrant meat is super, the more fragrant the more fragrant the more fragrant the more fragrant the more fragrant the more fragrant the more fragrant the more fragrant the more fragrant the more fragrant the more fragrant the more fragrant the more fragrant the more fragrant the more fragrant the more fra Sweet and so suitable for summer-it is indeed a 10-year old brand in Dujiangyan. It is only 50 per capita for locals to eat. The price is super high and it is suitable for family dinners and friends gatherings-🏡 with salty special rib soup pot (Wanda flagship store) 📍 No. 31, North Section of Qingcheng Water Street."
Price: Avg. per personEUR7
Distance: 1.98km
Address: 四川省成都市都江堰市青城水街北段31號

2. 青崗坡熊血旺(趙公山店)

What travelers say:
M51***78: "The taste is OK! Red but not spicy! The restaurant is simple."
Price: Avg. per personEUR5
Distance: 618m
Address: 四川省成都市都江堰市桃莢坪站公交站

3. 岳記興隆·青城臘排銅火鍋(融創直營店)

What travelers say:
CD云上: "Qingcheng Mountain La ribs are the famous dish of Qingcheng Mountain. They have a double meal and a set meal for two. It feels good. First of all, the soup is delicious. The soup tastes delicious. The pork feet inside are also very awkward, but a little less. The portion of the La chop is also very fragrant, and the stew inside is also good. The vegetarian dishes in the store are also very reasonable. I like to eat them. His homemade secret sauce tastes excellent. It is perfect for the lavia. I prefer to drink his soup. Add more cucumbers. The taste is more delicious."
Price: Avg. per personEUR8
Distance: 2.21km
Address: 四川省成都市都江堰市虹玉路尚都外灘新天地163號

4. 祥儂國雞宴·趙公大院財神店

What travelers say:
M22***70: "The taste is very good, the chicken is very glutinous, the environment is not bad"
Distance: 1.62km
Address: 水果俠少年團

Shops near Panda Valley

1. xiang gou chao shi

What travelers say:
Summercaac: "The location is very good, the transportation is very convenient, there are buses that can be reached directly. The business area is large, the goods are complete, the price is affordable, the checkout is very convenient and fast, and the staff is enthusiastic."
xiang gou chao shi
Opening hours: Open today at 8:00-22:00
Distance: 7.01km
Address: No.11 Shuangzhong Street, Qingchengshan Town, Dujiangyan City (near Qingzheng Title)

2. Wal-Mart

What travelers say:
脚步丈量天涯的人: "The large department store run by the domestic chain, the shopping area is clean and tidy, the goods sold are exquisite, neatly arranged, the price is moderate, can meet the basic consumption needs of the surrounding residents, the checkout speed is very fast."
Distance: 5.1km
Address: Tianhe Shengshi Shopping Center, 111 Jianshe Road, Dujiangyan

3. Dujiangyan New Era

What travelers say:
tt梦幻小妖: "Dujiangyan came here after the earthquake. It’s really good to see their development here. New Times Square. Although the place is not very big, but some things have keys. The price is not expensive. The goods are good."
Dujiangyan New Era
Distance: 4.82km
Address: No.35 Dujiangyan Avenue, Dujiangyan City


What travelers say:
可爱的小昊子: "This large department store supermarket has been open here for more than ten years, the shopping area is clean and tidy, the goods sold are exquisite, neatly arranged, the price is competitive, the staff is warm and the checkout speed is very fast."
Distance: 5.85km
Address: Lianhua South Road, Dujiangyan City

Hotels near Panda Valley

1. Orange Hotel

Orange Hotel
Price: EUR32
Distance: 2.98km
Address: No.23 Guanwen Road

2. Dujiangyan Wooden Court Hotel

Dujiangyan Wooden Court Hotel
Price: EUR25
Distance: 2.28km
Address: No.150 YuKang Road.Waijing community.Yutang Street

3. Song Hotel

Song Hotel
Price: EUR322
Distance: 2.96km
Address: NO. 6 Zhizhen Road

4. Steigenberger Chengdu

Steigenberger Chengdu
Price: EUR108
Distance: 2.48km
Address: No.81 Maocaonian Road